Added draw_vertexlabels
, draw_edgelabels
, draw_facelabels
, draw_vertexnormals
, and draw_facenormals
to compas_blender.artists.MeshArtist
Added optional triangulated
flag to to_vertices_and_faces
of all shapes.
Added compas.geometry.Geometry
base class.
Added __add__
, __sub__
, __and__
to compas.geometry.Shape
for boolean operations using binary operators.
Added is_closed
to compas.geometry.Polyhedron
Added Plane.offset
Added compas.artists.Artist
Added pluggable compas.artists.new_artist
Added plugin compas_rhino.artists.new_artist_rhino
Added plugin compas_blender.artists.new_artist_blender
Added compas.artist.DataArtistNotRegistered
Added draw_node_labels
and draw_edgelabels
to compas_blender.artists.NetworkArtist
Added compas_blender.artists.RobotModelArtist.clear
Added compas_blender.geometry.booleans
as plugin for boolean pluggables.
Added version-based installation for Blender.
Added several shape artists to compas_ghpython
: BoxArtist
, CapsuleArtist
, ConeArtist
, CylinderArtist
, PolygonArtist
, PolyhedronArtist
, SphereArtist
, TorusArtist
and VectorArtist
Added support for CLR generic dictionaries to the
Added Graph.node_sample
, Graph.edge_sample
Added Halfedge.vertex_sample
, Halfedge.edge_sample
, Halfedge.face_sample
Added Halfface.vertex_sample
, Halfface.edge_sample
, Halfface.face_sample
, Halfface.cell_sample
Added Mesh.from_meshgrid
Fixed bug in compas_blender.draw_texts
Changed compas_rhino.artists.BaseArtist
to compas_rhino.artists.RhinoArtist
Changed compas_blender.artists.BaseArtist
to compas_blender.artists.BlenderArtist
Changed default resolution for shape discretisation to 16 for both u and v where relevant.
Changed base class of compas.geometry.Primitive
and compas.geometry.Shape
to compas.geometry.Geometry
can be assigned as a Blender collection or a name.
Generalized the parameter color
of compas_blender.draw_texts
and various label drawing methods.
Changed compas.IPY
to compas.RHINO
in orientation_rhino
Changed planarity
to requires_extra
for pip installations.
Fixed bug in handling of ngonal meshes in compas_ghpython
artists / drawing functions.
You can’t perform that action at this time.