Compatible with Minecraft 1.13+ (Tested on Minecraft 1.16.4)
This is a continuation / maintained version of the original plugin created by BrettFlan.
The goal of this project is to maintain the original projects fully working operation and add new features to improve upon the ideas and philosophies of the original project.
This is a list of everything that has been altered from the original from a users perspective:
- The world generation fill speed has been significantly increased (at the cost of more memory usage)
- Improvements have been made to better preserving fill progress between restarts / crashes
- Fixes involving height issues and teleports for border checking tasks
- Auto resume for the world generation fill task will now work properly with worlds loaded by Multiverse-Core & Hyperverse
This project is a direct drop in replacement for the original. You can upgrade without any loss or worries.
You can compile it yourself by using Maven and simply running the following command in the project folder: (The jar file will be located in /targets/)
You can also download the latest pre compiled binary over on the releases section of Github, located here:
The original project, and therefore this project, is licensed as BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
BrettFlan for creating the true and tested WorldBorder project that server admins have relied on for years.
You, for reading this and checking out the project.
I used various things from Puremin0rez so thank him for that.