A prototype for visual summaries of connectomics data by Ethan Kerzner. I created this app for three reasons: 1) to become familiar with marclab data; 2) to learn AngularJS development; and 3) to create something that is potentially useful for neuroscientists.
Although I created it as a technology probe, this app has proved useful for analysis. I have continued to update it, but would like to see its features re-implemented in a different application. Cell Sketches should be seen as pre-alpha because I support it in my free time.
This app pulls connectome data from the Viking OData Web Service.
Additional volumes can be supported by editing this list.
This application uses bower and npm to manage dependencies. General instructions for development:
- Install npm and bower globally. I've tested this with npm v. 5.6.0 and bower v. 1.8.4.
- Clone this repository
- Install development dependencies
npm install
followed bybower install
- Start the development server with
npm start
- Run unit tests with
karma start
- Use
to publish changes to gh-pages branch
I learned how to use AngularJS and OData while I was building the application. I tried to follow the John Papa AngularJS styleguide. But, I made some bad decisions about the design that I have not gotten around to refactoring. Beware.