Error: buildah exited with code 2
Trying to pull
Getting image source signatures
Copying blob sha256:d1fbec07a2e50e73803e0c9ea0fc8f9fb48ad1215583bb1bbb8852660f52abeb
Copying blob sha256:d1fbec07a2e50e73803e0c9ea0fc8f9fb48ad1215583bb1bbb8852660f52abeb
Copying config sha256:dc4c1391d3701ce1105f6384632f71fd08abf4862c16f6612d74f262adc8665a
Writing manifest to image destination
Storing signatures
sed: can't read /usr/local/sbin/unminimize: No such file or directory
error building at STEP "RUN sed -Ei '/apt-get (update|upgrade)/s/^/#/' /usr/local/sbin/unminimize && apt-get update && yes | /usr/local/sbin/unminimize && DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -y install ubuntu-minimal ubuntu-standard libnss-myhostname flatpak-xdg-utils $(cat extra-packages | xargs) && rm -rd /var/lib/apt/lists/*": error while running runtime: exit status 2
time="2024-10-14T00:29:45Z" level=error msg="exit status 2"