Personal script for backing up Raspberry Pi4 to USB HDD
If you do not like it, I will be happy to hear why and how to make script better.
Raspberry Pi4 4GB minimum with enough free RAM (3GB minimum), or you can change script to use the same USB drive for creating the tar.gz from your Backup folder inside the drive it self and do not copy compressed data from RAM drive to USB drive
USB HDD must have a partition called PrcekBlue OR you can find "PrcekBlue" in "" and chage it to fit your partition LABEL on USB drive
Your backup must fit into 3GB total compressed - it will create RAM disk with 3GB to store compressed data from folder Backup on USB drive after rsync backup
What needs to be done:
- Copy the script "" to your favourite folder (I am using "/home/pi4") and run:
sudo cp /home/pi4
- Set script permissions
sudo chmod a+x
- Copy also "rsync-exclude.txt" to /usr/bin/rsync-exclude.txt
sudo cp rsync-exclude.txt /usr/bin/rsync-exclude.txt
- Edit script to fit your needs
sudo nano
- Run the script
sudo ./