๐ A minimalistic library for abstracting database operations
Adding clerk to your Go module is as easy as calling this command in your project
go get github.com/coze-cloud/clerk
clerk has builtin support for the following database/search engines:
- MongoDB - MongoDB is a document-oriented database
- Meilisearch - Meilisearch is a powerful and fast search engine
Being a minimalistic library, clerk only provides the basics. The rest is up to your specific need.
connection, err := mongodb.NewMongoConnection("mongodb://root:root@localhost:27017")
if err != nil {
defer connection.Close(func(err error) {
if err != nil {
operator := mongodb.NewMongodbOperator[T](connection)
The generic parameter T defines the data type which the operator can interact with. An operator has to be defined for each data type in use with clerk.
collection := clerk.NewDatabase("foo").Collection("bar")
Certain operators only work with collections and don't need a database:
collection := clerk.NewCollection("foo")
type Message struct {
Id string `bson:"_id"`
Body string
createCtx, createCancel := context.WithTimeout(
time.Second * 5,
defer createCancel()
create := clerk.NewCreate(collection, Message{
Id: "0",
Body: "Hello World",
if err := create.Execute(createCtx, operator); err != nil {
type Message struct {
Id string `bson:"_id"`
Body string
results := []Message{}
queryCtx, queryCancel := context.WithTimeout(
time.Second * 5,
defer queryCancel()
query := clerk.NewQuery[Message](collection).Where("_id", "0")
queryChan, err := query.Execute(queryCtx, operator)
if err != nil {
for result := range queryChan {
results := append(results, result)
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