- Pro
Bazel rules for YAML templating tool https://carvel.dev/ytt/
Continuous delivery and package management for Kubernetes.
kapp is a simple deployment tool focused on the concept of "Kubernetes application" — a set of resources with the same label
VMware Tanzu Community Edition is no longer an actively maintained project. Code is available for historical purposes only.
Carvel provides a set of reliable, single-purpose, composable tools that aid in your application building, configuration, and deployment to Kubernetes. This repo contains information regarding the …
BuildKit CLI for kubectl is a tool for building container images with your Kubernetes cluster
The open source deployment manifest for Cloud Foundry on Kubernetes
Github Action for setting up Carvel apps (ytt, kbld, kapp, kctrl, kwt, imgpkg and vendir)
Use this repo as an example for organizing ytt templates within your application repo
json2k8s extracts Kubernetes resources from JSON files (use it with jsonnet)
Carvel Terraform provider with resources for ytt and kapp to template and deploy to Kubernetes
A command line tool for validating (Kubernetes) YAML files against a JSON Schema
kbld seamlessly incorporates image building and image pushing into your development and deployment workflows
K8s guestbook example deployed with k14s tools
K8s simple Go app example deployed with k14s tools
Install ytt, kbld, kapp, kwt, vendir, imgpkg
Kubernetes RBAC Proxy to scope controllers to multiple namespaces
Demo of ytt + kapp + k8s-lib to deploy a simple app with basic autoscaling
ytt (https://github.com/k14s/ytt) library that includes reusable K8s components (app, ...)
YAML templating tool that works on YAML structure instead of text
Kubernetes-based, scale-to-zero, request-driven compute
A toolchain for deploying Concourse with BOSH.
The BOSH release sets up a Git server, allowing you to privately host your git repositories.
Stackdriver Nozzle for Cloud Foundry Loggregator, Host Monitoring Agents BOSH Release
Implements support for double star (**) matches in golang's path.Match and filepath.Glob.
This is the depricated version of PCF Dev - please visit the current Github repository https://github.com/cloudfoundry-incubator/cfdev for the latest updates