This release features a number of large changes to GGA. I recommend you backup your current worlds before upgrading.
- Feature: Maneuver Menu on Combat Tracker #2027
- You can now choose the token's maneuver directly from the combat tracker. Score for turn order determination (initiative) has been moved to a tooltip.
- Feature: Quick Roll Menu #2028
- You can choose various rolls on the character to appear in a new combat tracker quick roll menu. This can be customized for each token.
- Feature: Tagged Effect Modifiers #2029
- Tagged effect modifiers allow you to set up various modifiers in the Effect Modifier popup window and they will automatically be applied only to the rolls applicable. For example you can create a modifier for range and another modifier for damage, and the modifier to range will be applied only to the next ranged attack and the damage modifier will remain until the next damage roll. See Tagged Modifiers on the wiki for more detailed configuration and usage.
- Feature: Confirmation Dialog Roll #2030
- Pops up a Confirmation Dialog before making a roll. Gives you one last chance to review and edit the list of modifiers.
- Feature: Check Maneuver, Max Actions and Targets before Roll #2031
- This is a feature to track each token's actions for its turn. See Max Actions Check on the wiki for more information.
- Feature: Add Maneuver's and Parry modifiers automatically before roll #2033
- The "Max Actions Check" feature above allows GGA to automatically calculate Aim and Evaluate modifiers, or track the modifiers for numbers of parries, etc.
- Feature: Improved support on Injury effects on Apply Damage Dialog #2034
- Now you can make stun and knockback, etc, checks directly in the ADD, and apply/remove the effects without using the Chat messages (although that is still an option).
- Feature: Refactored Tabbed Sheet
- A number of usability tweaks to the tabbed sheet. It's now my (@mjeffw) favorite actor sheet.
- Feature: Make Quick Notes collapsible or popout #2084 (closes 17.17-b3 tabbed sheet portrait scaling issue #2094)
- Some of our users utilize the Quick Notes area on the sheet extensively, which has a tendency to create layout issues. The Quick Notes section on both the full sheet and the tabbed sheet are now collapsable into a single line.