This repository provides Docker images for the Gleam programming language. These images are ready-to-use environments for developing and running Gleam applications.
Gleam is a type-safe, functional programming language for building scalable systems and applications. By providing Docker images with Gleam, Erlang/OTP 27, and Elixir, we aim to simplify the setup process and help you get started quickly.
We offer two Docker images:
- Gleam with Erlang/OTP 27: Contains Gleam and Erlang/OTP 27.
- Gleam with Elixir and Erlang/OTP 27: Contains Gleam, Elixir, and Erlang/OTP 27.
You can pull the images from the GitHub Container Registry:
docker pull
docker pull
Run the container interactively to access Gleam commands:
docker run -it gleam --help
docker run -it gleam --help
Mount your project directory into the container:
docker run -it -v $(pwd):/app -w /app gleam build
If you prefer to build the images yourself, use the provided Dockerfiles.
cd gleam-otp27
docker build -t gleam:local .
cd gleam-elixir-otp27
docker build -t gleam-elixir:local .
This project is licensed under the MIT License.