A sample demonstrating how you can configure your ASP.NET Core 2.0 applications to take advantage of Azure AD B2C and MSAL to perform such tasks as:
- Authenticate users
- Protect Web APIs
- Redeem authorization code
- Call a protected Web API
Please find more information in this walk-through post: Setting up your ASP.NET Core 2.0 apps and services for Azure AD B2C
"Authentication": {
"AzureAd": {
"Instance": "e.g. https://login.microsoftonline.com/",
"TenantId": "e.g. <your domain>.onmicrosoft.com>",
"ClientId": "",
"ClientSecret": "",
"PostLogoutRedirectUri": "https://localhost:44397/",
"ApiIdentifier": "https://<tenant name>.onmicrosoft.com/testapi",
"B2C": {
"SignInOrSignUpPolicy": "e.g B2C_1_TestSignUpAndSignInPolicy",
"EditProfilePolicy": "e.g B2C_1_TestProfileEditPolicy",
"ResetPasswordPolicy": "e.g. B2C_1_TestPasswordReset"
"TestServiceOptions": {
"BaseUrl": "https://localhost:44359/"
"Authentication": {
"AzureAd": {
"Instance": "e.g. https://login.microsoftonline.com/",
"TenantId": "e.g. <your domain>.onmicrosoft.com>",
"Audience": "Use client Id of the common app",
"SignInOrSignUpPolicy": "e.g B2C_1_TestSignUpAndSignInPolicy"