You are a duck in the scientific secret laboratory, where scientists are developing superpowers for humans, but fow now they are only experimenting on animals, on you! Keep enduring challenges and completing tasks until you have a chance to escape and possibly get revenge!
- Genre: Single player, Platformer, Puzzle
- Target Audience: 16+, Potential employer, Random person
- Thematic Setting: Scientific Secret Laboratory
- Platform(s): Windows
- Controls: Keyboard & Mouse, Gamepad
- Tech Stack: Unity, Asset Store, Aseprite
- MVP Game Moment: 7 Levels (Intro, 5 ability levels, Final)
- Objective: Escape room by solving tasks
- Core: Physical interactions, Puzzle
- Pillars: Challenges, fun, cute
- Hook: Vibe of laboratory tests and Superpowerful duck!
- Players: Single player, 2D Platformer, The duck
- Goal / Objective: Escape room by puzzling
- Game state:
- Gameplay
- Cutscene
- Game mechanic (core mechanic):
- Gravity Sphere (attraction and repulsion of objects)
- Lasers (heating, destroying, cutting)
- Electricity (keep electric charge)
- Teleportation
- Time control
- Resources:
- Health (lose condition)
- Energy (ability usage) ?
- Information: Immersive presentation of information
- Turns / Time: Realtime
- Interactions (player-player, player-system): player-system
- Theme: Secret Scientific Lab
- System:
- Damage system
- Ability system
- Interaction system
- Movement System
- Abilities system
- Interaction system
- Damage system
- Level System
- Save and Load system
- Portal / Portal 2
- Untitled Goose Game
- Celeste
- Leap Year
- Movement System
- Move
- Jump
- Fall
- Slide
- Platform
- Abilities System (5 Abilities)
- Pick and Drop abilities
- Gravity Sphere (Create gravity sphere)
- Gravity-influenced objects
- Lasers (create laser beam)
- Heatable objects
- Reflective surfaces
- Laser sockets
- Electricity (pick, hold and put electricity charge)
- Electrical objects (turn on/off)
- Teleportation (teleport to max distance)
- Time control
- Interaction System (interactable objects)
- Doors
- Lifts
- Platforms
- Pressure buttons
- Pressure plates
- Damage System
- Health
- Destroyable objects
- Danger objects (sharp things, too hot things, etc.)
- Level management
- Load level what you need
- Go back to Main menu
- Pause
- Level System
- Subsequence in Level
- Check fail Condition
- Check success Condition
- Save and Load System
- Create new game
- Keep progress of current game
- Load last level
- Visual
- Main Character
- Environment (Tiles, props, objects, background, etc.)
- Effects (Abilities, damages, etc.)
- UI
- Audio
- Main Character (idle, move, action, damage)
- Background
- Abilities
- World interactions
- Meta (success, fail, focusing)
- Music
- UI
- Other
- Addressable