This is a coffee shop chain which requests for coffee bean to a remote supplier. The supplier might have multiple locations to attend coffee-shops and deliver their order.
So, supplier might open new stores and coffee-shop chain can open multiple shops, so if orders are requested directly to the same store, this ends up overwhelmed and new stores might not receive any order. Avoiding this situation can be solved with a load balancer, which redirects the orders to the stores registered at same place, doing their requests through it, letting them all have the same load.
This project aims is testing Quarkus Eureka, a dependency which is located at:
This dependency lets integrate Quarkus framework with Eureka and requesting to services through their names, rather their specific hostname.
Quarkus Framework is a Java framework which can work with Native images and bootstrap your application really quick, which can make it able to work in a serverless environment.
You can find more information at
Quarkus integrates with multiple services and a new toy for developers.
In the other hand we have Eureka, which is an original product from Netflix
and its job is a discovery service, in which the services in
network are registered and it delivers those service locations to clients to make their requests. This makes application scalable as new instances
are post in here and they are hit attending choice algorithms, such as round robin.
The project is made of a parent project and three submodules. Cloning the project we can find:
coffee-eureka-server: Which is the Eureka service in which other services are going to be registered when pop up.
coffee-shop-client: This is the shop which should request for coffee bean.
coffee-supplier: The store which deliver the coffee bean to shops.
Each project is built with different JVM, so Quarkus Native Image with GraalVM latest version is a Java 11 compatible, but the Eureka server app is with Java 17.
So, to build the application you might well run the
script which define the environment variables to execute
each project with their jdk.version