demo 64x32 or 128x32 74hc595 and 74hc245d
shift register led matrix stm32duino library
- A, B, C, D - line select for two 74HC138
- EN - Ouput Enable(active low) for 74HC595
- LAT - data latch for 74HC595
- R1,R2,G1,G2 data pin
--- 2016 01 20,add four basic led effects
Assume to use socat to proxy the serial port to internet
socat -d -d -v -x tcp4-listen:9999,reuseaddr,fork file:/dev/ttyACM0,nonblock,echo=0,raw,waitlock=/var/run/ttyACM0.lock
echo '!#001%ZI00%ZA05%ZH0040我赵日天不服AbcF$$' | UTF8 | socat STDIO tcp:localhost:9999
- !# is the command start,end with $$
- %ZI to set which part of screen,usually I split 64x32 to be the double of 64x16
- %ZA set effect
- %ZH set the hold time when the words on led matrix reach the side
UTF8 is a bash alias to use iconv to convert UTF8 string to GBK, this edition is based od GBK
** alias UTF8="iconv -f UTF8 -t GBK"