analytics_logger_gen is a Flutter plugin that generates an integrated event logger for analytics tools such as Firebase Analytics, AppsFlyer, Amplitude, MixpanelLogger, Singular and DataDog.
flutter packages pub run build_runner build
# or if you want to delete the generated files before building
# flutter packages pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs
The builders generate code when they find members annotated with @AnalyticsLogger
import 'package:analytics_logger_gen/analytics_logger_gen.dart';
// Building creates the corresponding part 'analytics_logger.g.dart'
part 'analytics_logger.g.dart';
// When you declare the localCsvPath, the remoteCsvUrl is ignored.
remoteCsvUrl: '<URL-TO-CSV-FILE>',
loggers: {
// COLUMN-NAME is the name of the column in the CSV file
// The value of the COLUMN-NAME should be 'TRUE' or 'FALSE'
'<COLUMN-NAME>': FirebaseAnalyticsLogger(),
// The class should be declared private '_' to avoid conflicts with the generated class
// ignore: unused_element
class _CustomAnalyticsLogger {}
// You can declare any number of loggers for third-party analytics tools.
class FirebaseAnalyticsLogger extends EventLogger {
const SomeAnalyticsLogger();
void logEvent(String event, {required Map<String, dynamic> attributes}) {
// Do something with the event and attributes
title: 'hello', message: 'world');
a: 'a', b: 'b', c: 'c', d: 'd');
- The indices of the
columns cannot be modified; they are fixed at column indices 0 and 1, respectively. (You can change their names, but not their indices.) - You can add any number of columns to the right of the
column. The values of the columns are used to determine whether to call the corresponding analytics tool. The values of the columns should be 'TRUE' or 'FALSE'.
event_name | arguments | enableFirebase | hasAppsFlyer | customColumnName1 | customColumnName2 | customColumnName3 | customColumnName4 | description |
app_started | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | ||
home_page_entered | ab_test_case | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | FALSE | TRUE | |
my_page_entered | ab_test_case | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | |
app_ended | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | FALSE | ||
home_bottom_button_clicked | a, b, c, d | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | |
select_contents | content_type, item_id | TRUE | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | |
my_send_message_clicked | title, message | FALSE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | FALSE | TRUE | |
home_banner_button_clicked | is_allowed | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE | TRUE |
import 'package:analytics_logger_gen/analytics_logger_gen.dart';
part 'analytics_logger_from_google_spread_sheet.g.dart';
loggers: {
'enableFirebase': FirebaseAnalyticsLogger(),
'hasAppsFlyer': AppsFlyerLogger(),
'customColumnName1': AmplitudeLogger(),
'customColumnName2': MixpanelLogger(),
'customColumnName3': SingularLogger(),
'customColumnName4': DatadogDebugLogger(),
// ignore: unused_element
class _CustomAnalyticsLoggerA {}
class FirebaseAnalyticsLogger extends EventLogger {
const FirebaseAnalyticsLogger();
void logEvent(String event, {required Map<String, dynamic> attributes}) {
// Do something with the event and attributes
class AppsFlyerLogger extends EventLogger {
const AppsFlyerLogger();
void logEvent(String event, {required Map<String, dynamic> attributes}) {
// Do something with the event and attributes
class AmplitudeLogger extends EventLogger {
const AmplitudeLogger();
void logEvent(String event, {required Map<String, dynamic> attributes}) {
// Do something with the event and attributes
class MixpanelLogger extends EventLogger {
const MixpanelLogger();
void logEvent(String event, {required Map<String, dynamic> attributes}) {
// Do something with the event and attributes
class SingularLogger extends EventLogger {
const SingularLogger();
void logEvent(String event, {required Map<String, dynamic> attributes}) {
// Do something with the event and attributes
class DatadogDebugLogger extends EventLogger {
const DatadogDebugLogger();
void logEvent(String event, {required Map<String, dynamic> attributes}) {
// Do something with the event and attributes
part of 'analytics_logger_from_google_spread_sheet.dart';
// **************************************************************************
// AnalyticsLoggerGenerator
// **************************************************************************
enum AnalyticsEvents {
appStarted('app_started', true, true, true, true, true, true),
homePageEntered('home_page_entered', true, true, true, true, false, true),
myPageEntered('my_page_entered', true, true, true, true, true, true),
appEnded('app_ended', true, true, true, true, true, false),
'home_bottom_button_clicked', true, true, true, true, true, true),
selectContents('select_contents', true, false, false, false, false, false),
'my_send_message_clicked', false, true, true, true, false, true),
'home_banner_button_clicked', true, true, true, true, true, true);
const AnalyticsEvents(,
final String name;
final bool enableFirebase;
final bool hasAppsFlyer;
final bool customColumnName1;
final bool customColumnName2;
final bool customColumnName3;
final bool customColumnName4;
class AnalyticsEventsProvider {
static void appStarted() {
Map<String, dynamic> attributes = <String, dynamic>{};
CustomAnalyticsLoggerA.logEvent(AnalyticsEvents.appStarted, attributes);
static void homePageEntered({dynamic abTestCase}) {
Map<String, dynamic> attributes = <String, dynamic>{
'abTestCase': abTestCase,
AnalyticsEvents.homePageEntered, attributes);
static void myPageEntered({dynamic abTestCase}) {
Map<String, dynamic> attributes = <String, dynamic>{
'abTestCase': abTestCase,
CustomAnalyticsLoggerA.logEvent(AnalyticsEvents.myPageEntered, attributes);
static void appEnded() {
Map<String, dynamic> attributes = <String, dynamic>{};
CustomAnalyticsLoggerA.logEvent(AnalyticsEvents.appEnded, attributes);
static void homeBottomButtonClicked(
{dynamic a, dynamic b, dynamic c, dynamic d}) {
Map<String, dynamic> attributes = <String, dynamic>{
'a': a,
'b': b,
'c': c,
'd': d,
AnalyticsEvents.homeBottomButtonClicked, attributes);
static void selectContents({dynamic contentType, dynamic itemId}) {
Map<String, dynamic> attributes = <String, dynamic>{
'contentType': contentType,
'itemId': itemId,
CustomAnalyticsLoggerA.logEvent(AnalyticsEvents.selectContents, attributes);
static void mySendMessageClicked({dynamic title, dynamic message}) {
Map<String, dynamic> attributes = <String, dynamic>{
'title': title,
'message': message,
AnalyticsEvents.mySendMessageClicked, attributes);
static void homeBannerButtonClicked({dynamic isAllowed}) {
Map<String, dynamic> attributes = <String, dynamic>{
'isAllowed': isAllowed,
AnalyticsEvents.homeBannerButtonClicked, attributes);
class CustomAnalyticsLoggerA {
static FirebaseAnalyticsLogger firebaseAnalyticsLogger =
const FirebaseAnalyticsLogger();
static AppsFlyerLogger appsFlyerLogger = const AppsFlyerLogger();
static AmplitudeLogger amplitudeLogger = const AmplitudeLogger();
static MixpanelLogger mixpanelLogger = const MixpanelLogger();
static SingularLogger singularLogger = const SingularLogger();
static DatadogDebugLogger datadogDebugLogger = const DatadogDebugLogger();
static void logEvent(AnalyticsEvents event, Map<String, dynamic> attributes) {
if (event.enableFirebase) {
firebaseAnalyticsLogger.logEvent(, attributes: attributes);
if (event.hasAppsFlyer) {
appsFlyerLogger.logEvent(, attributes: attributes);
if (event.customColumnName1) {
amplitudeLogger.logEvent(, attributes: attributes);
if (event.customColumnName2) {
mixpanelLogger.logEvent(, attributes: attributes);
if (event.customColumnName3) {
singularLogger.logEvent(, attributes: attributes);
if (event.customColumnName4) {
datadogDebugLogger.logEvent(, attributes: attributes);