GHCalendar is a SwiftUI Calendar / Date Picker for iOS.
Features include:
- minimum and maximum calendar dates selectable,
- single date selection,
- range of dates selection,
- multi-dates selection,
- disabled dates setting.
- iOS 13.0+
- Xcode 11+
- Swift 5.1+
Setting the calendar, minimum and maximum dates that can be selected.
GHManager(calendar: Calendar.current, minimumDate: Date(), maximumDate: Date().addingTimeInterval(60*60*24*365), mode: 0)
Use mode 0 to select a single date.
GHManager(calendar: Calendar.current, minimumDate: Date(), maximumDate: maxDate, mode: 0)
Use mode 1 to select a contiguous range of dates, from a start date to an end date.
GHManager(calendar: Calendar.current, minimumDate: Date(), maximumDate: maxDate, mode: 1)
Note, mode 2 is automatically toggled internally and the end date must be greater than the start date.
Use mode 3 for selecting a number of dates.
GHManager(calendar: Calendar.current, minimumDate: Date(), maximumDate: maxDate, mode: 3)
struct TransfersFilterView: View {
@ObservedObject var calendarManager: GHManager = GHManager(calendar: Calendar.current, minimumDate: Date().addingTimeInterval(-2*60*60*24*365), maximumDate: Date().addingTimeInterval(60*60*24*365), mode: 1)
var body: some View {
VStack {
Button(action: {
self.isShowingDatePicker = true
}) {
Text("Show Date picker")
.sheet(isPresented: $isShowingDatePicker, content: {
GHDatePicker(isPresented: $isShowingDatePicker, ghManager: calendarManager)