The old and replit branch has deprecated, and docker is work in progress, DO NOT USE.
A Discord bot that will help you find what to eat for your next meal. Supported Meal: Breakfast, Lunch, Afternoon Tea, Dinner
Command List:
nm!help : Show help
nm!ping : Test ping latency
nm!add <meal type> <food name> : Add food
nm!list <meal type (optional)> : Show food list
nm!remove <meal type> <food name> : Remove food
nm!random <meal type (optional)> : Choose random food (Meal type base on time when no meal type specified)
nm!time <Timezone from UTC> : Setup timezone (Number needs to be between ±12 hours)
A Discord bot plays text messages in voice channel use cloud TTS services.
Current Support TTS Platform: Google, Azure
Both Azure And Google Supported Language Code:
"af-za", "bg-bg", "bn-in", "ca-es", "cs-cz", "da-dk", "de-de", "el-gr", "en-au",
"en-gb", "en-in", "en-us", "es-es", "es-us", "fi-fi", "fil-ph", "fr-ca", "fr-fr",
"gu-in", "hi-in", "hu-hu", "id-id", "is-is", "it-it", "ja-jp", "kn-in", "ko-kr",
"lv-lv", "ml-in", "ms-my", "nb-no", "nl-be", "nl-nl", "pl-pl", "pt-br", "pt-pt",
"ro-ro", "ru-ru", "sk-sk", "sr-rs", "sv-se", "ta-in", "te-in", "th-th", "tr-tr",
"uk-ua", "vi-vn", "zh-cn", "zh-tw"
Only Google Supported Language Code:
"ar-xa", "pa-in", "yue-hk"
Only Azure Supported Language Code:
"am-et", "ar-ae", "ar-bh", "ar-dz", "ar-eg", "ar-iq", "ar-jo", "ar-kw", "ar-ly",
"ar-ma", "ar-qa", "ar-sa", "ar-sy", "ar-tn", "ar-ye", "bn-bd", "cy-gb", "de-at",
"de-ch", "en-ca", "en-hk", "en-ie", "en-ke", "en-ng", "en-nz", "en-ph", "en-sg",
"en-tz", "en-za", "es-ar", "es-bo", "es-cl", "es-co", "es-cr", "es-cu", "es-do",
"es-ec", "es-gq", "es-gt", "es-hn", "es-mx", "es-ni", "es-pa", "es-pe", "es-pr",
"es-py", "es-sv", "es-uy", "es-ve", "et-ee", "fa-ir", "fr-be", "fr-ch", "ga-ie",
"gl-es", "he-il", "hr-hr", "jv-id", "kk-kz", "km-kh", "lo-la", "lt-lt", "mk-mk",
"mr-in", "mt-mt", "my-mm", "ps-af", "si-lk", "sl-si", "so-so", "su-id", "sw-ke",
"sw-tz", "ta-lk", "ta-sg", "ur-in", "ur-pk", "uz-uz", "zh-hk", "zu-za"
Command List:
$help : Show help
$setchannel <#channel> : Set channel to receive text message to be played at voice channel.
$setlang <language code> : Set language to be speak. (please follow BCP-47 standard)
$setvoice <"Azure", "Google", "Reset"> : Set default TTS platform (support user setting (use DM) or server wide setting)
$say <messages> : Speak text message.
$say_lang <language code> <messages> : Speak text message in specified language.
$stop : Stop speaking.
$join <voice channel (optional)> : Join voice channel.
$move <voice channel (optional)> : Move to another voice channel.
$leave : Leave voice channel.
$ping : Test ping latency.
$invite : Get a link to invite this bot into your server.
- Code rewrite
- Queue
- Auto disconnect
- Translate
- Rewrite some codeblocks into function
- Update to
2.0 or (nextcord/nextcord
for more stable 2.0?) - Command typo auto fix (ex.
->$say ABCD
) - Slash command
- Embed message
- No command prefix mode