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Currently I'm interfacing sensor devices to STM32F429I-Discovery board and transmit sensor data via CAN bus.
Here is the datasheet of the first sensor, it is a VL53L0X TOF Time-of-Flight laser-ranging module. https://www.pololu.com/product/2490 The core library is the property of STM, I made some small modification to be able to compile with my setup. https://github.com/czagaadam/STM32/tree/main/vl53l0x/Src/vl53l0x
I made a high level library to easily initialize the sensor via I2C. https://github.com/czagaadam/STM32/tree/main/vl53l0x/Src
Here is an example how to use the library (currently works with only one sensor, there are some kind of issues with re-addressing devices): https://github.com/czagaadam/STM32/tree/main/LaserTest
And some measurements:
I2C message(starts with 0x14) when target at 100mm
More sensors and CAN bus are coming soon...
Interfacing MCP2551 CAN transceiver and sending VL53 I2C sensor data via CAN bus.