Common guidelines for contributing to d2si-oss projects
First off, thank you for taking the time to contribute!
It's worth mentioning that the purpose of this document is to provide you with a
set of general guidelines and not strict rules: nothing is set in stone and we
welcome contributions about these contributing guidelines as well :-)
We want to make contributing straighforward and easy for everyone. As such and
unless otherwise stated we will use the traditional GitHub fork and pull
workflow: any commit must be made to a feature/topic branch in a local fork and
submitted via a pull request before it can can be merged. If you are familiar
with GitHub (and Git), branching and opening a pull request or an issue... then
you should be able to start contributing right away.
It is strongly advised to contact the project owner(s) before working on
implementing a new feature or making any kind of large code refactoring.
Contributors must agree to the following:
- material without explicit copyright assignment will be assigned to D2SI
- apart from a few identified exceptions, material must be licensed under the ISC license; in all cases, a license is mandatory.
D2SI staff should also be aware of additional guidelines.
We love punch cards, so the maximum line width is 80 characters. For regular text (i.e. not code), the fmt(1) utility can be used:
fmt -w 80 /path/to/file
We usually do not want to enforce a particular style because we intend to host a lot of different projects by a lot of people with different background. That said we do request style consistency within the same project (this is especially important for reusable recipes like ansible roles and terraform modules).
Here's a non exhaustive list of code style helpers that we find useful.
Language / Tool | Linter / Formatter |
Ansible | ansible-lint |
Go | Native Linter (compilation) |
JSON | JsonLint |
PHP | PHP-CS-Fixer |
Python | PEP 8 |
Terraform (HCL) | terraform fmt |
Substential contribution must always come with exhaustive documentation. We consider documentation as important as code.
Make sure you have a GitHub account.
The master branch should be considered as the production/deploy branch.
Extensive information can be found in this excellent forking workflow tutorial.
In a nutshell:
Fork the repository and clone it locally.
Create a topic branch where changes will be done.
git checkout -b ${TOPIC_BRANCH}
Commit the changes in logical and incremental chunks and use interactive rebase when needed.
In your commit messages, make sure to:- use the present tense
- use the imperative mood
- limit the first line to 72 characters
- reference any associated issues and/or PRs (if applicable)
git commit -am 'Add new feature...'
Push the topic branch to the remote forked repository.
git push origin ${TOPIC_BRANCH}
Open a Pull Request to the upstream repository with a clear title and description.
Once the PR has been merged, the topic branch can be removed from the local fork.
git branch -d ${TOPIC_BRANCH} git push origin --delete ${TOPIC_BRANCH}
This is used to keep a local fork up-to-date with the original upstream repository.
Connect the local to the original upstream repository.
git remote add upstream${ACCOUNT}/${REPONAME}
Checkout, fetch and merge the upstream master branch to the local one.
git checkout master git fetch upstream git merge upstream/master
Push changes to update to remote forked repository.
git push
See GitHub Help for more information.
If you find a bug that you don't know how to fix, please create an issue:
- use a clear and descriptive title
- give a step by step explanation on how to reproduce the problem
- include as many details as possible, even ones that may seem irrelevant; gists are a good way to include large amount of context and information
- describe what was already tried to fix the problem
Anyone from D2SI staff willing to setup a new project can ask one of the organisation owners to create a repository which (s)he will be the owner and responsible of the contributing workflow like answering issues, reviewing and merging pull requests, etc.
By default, members of the core team watch and have admin rights over all projects and hence can handle the global contributions workflow.
There won't be any organization members besides the owners and members of the
core team and the default configuration (right etc.) will not be modified.
That also means that if a user leaves the core team, (s)he must be removed from
the organization members list (i.e. orga members and core team members must stay
in sync).
Organization owners have full control over the d2si-oss organization and are the
only one with repository creation rights.
They can also dismiss the requirement of opening a pull request to commit
something but that is only done on rare exceptions.
Note that status checks (Travis etc.) are not a requirement.
Go to the top level URL of the d2si-oss organization
Click on [New] then:
- Make sure the Owner is set to d2si-oss
- Give it a meaningful Repository name and Description
- Check the Initialize this repository with a README box and click on [Create repository]
Click on Add topics and add a few descriptive tags then click on [Done].
Go to Settings and uncheck the Wikis box
Go to the Collaborators & teams tab then:
- Add core to the Teams list and give it Admin access
- Add the project submitter username to the Collaborators list and give him/her Admin access (even if the submitter is already a member/owner of the d2si-oss organization or the core team because (s)he may leave the orga at some point)
Go to the Branches tab and select master under the Protected branches section
Check Protect this branch then [Save changes]
Add the default LICENSE and files to the repository
There are multiple types of repositories.
Type | Convention | Example |
wrapped up solution (use case) | demo-vendor-tech-name | demo-aws-lambda-foobar |
generic reusable recipes | tech-type | ansible-roles |
software | software name | superduperutility |
organizational repo | self-explanatory | contributing-guidelines |
forked repositories | none | terraform |
Fork the repository
Uncheck the Wikis box
Go to the Collaborators & teams tab then:
- Add core to the Teams list and give it Admin access
- Make sure the Collaborators list is empty
Regularly keep the forked repository up-to-date with its upstream: see Syncing a fork with its upstream for details.
Anyone can submit an article for the techblog, just get in touch with someone from the d2si-oss core team. Refer to the GitHub Help to set up a local version of the Jekyll GitHub Pages to make it easier to test changes without the need to publish them first.