Automated login/auth, database deployemnt with PostgresSQL and PGADMIN, with a fully functional front end in VueJS -- sets up all in the command line in seconds!
Automated remote deploy of app + clusters:
pip install cookiecutter
Open a new tab in command line and type:
openssl rand -hex 32
# Outputs something like: 99d3b1f01aa639e4a76f4fc281fc834747a543720ba4c8a8648ba755aef9be7f
cookiecutter [email protected]:joehoeller/Automated-Flask-API-Installer.git
Follow the prompts until you get to: secret_key [changethis]:
Go to the next tab and copy/paste
the openssl key in to encrypt the app cluster.
For the prompt add:
https://[email protected]/1305465
To add Sentry to your Python code, simply write:
$ pip install --upgrade sentry-sdk==0.4.3
import sentry_sdk
sentry_sdk.init("https://[email protected]/1305465")
Then cd /"project_name" folder, and run:
docker-compose build
And then start the GUI and backend infrasturcture to support your machine learning app:
docker-compose up -d
Now you can open your browser and interact with these URLs:
-Frontend, built with Docker, with routes handled based on the path: http://localhost
-Backend, JSON based web API, with Swagger automatic documentation: http://localhost/api/
-Swagger UI, frontend user interface to interact with the API live: http://localhost/swagger/
-PGAdmin, PostgreSQL database web administration: http://localhost:5050
-Flower, administration of Celery tasks: http://localhost:5555
-Traefik UI, to see how the routes are being handled by the proxy: http://localhost:8090
Based on the work of Sebastián Ramírez: