curl | sh
This clones the repo, downloads all the submodules, and links the vim-related dotfiles into the current user's home directory. Running this command should get you up and running with this vim config without any other work.
If you want to copy this Vim config as a base for your own, you should:
- Fork this repository.
- Change the mention of "dambrisco" in the script to your own github name.
- Customize the vim config to suit you.
This Vim config supports two runtime profiles:
- Normal, with all plugins loaded.
- Minimal, with no plugins loaded. Super fast startup!
To run Vim without loading plugins use the --noplugins option. e.g.
vim --noplugins
I recommend setting your EDITOR environment variable to use this option:
export EDITOR="vim --noplugin"
This way you'll have a faster startup when other programs (e.g. git) bring up Vim.
This Vim config (loaded from .vimrc) is broken up across several files that are sourced. Each file performs a different kind of customization. For instance one file is responsible for customizing vim settings, while another file is responsible for defining custom key mappings. All plugin-related configuration is stored in it's own file that is loaded conditionally depending on whether the --noplugins flag was used.
This Vim config uses the Vundle plug-in
manager. Each plugin is listed in the vim_plugin_definitions
Take a look at the vim_bundles file to see all of the included plugins.
Here's a few faves:
- NerdTree - The missing file drawer for Vim.
- fugitive - killer git plugin for vim
- surround - quoting/parenthesizing made simple
- AutoClose - inserts matching bracket, paren, brace or quote
- tComment - comment plugin
If you use this set up there are a few things that you should remember to
Having trouble with tmux? brew install reattach-to-user-namespace
Color issues in iTerm? Import visor from the dotfiles folder and set minimum
contrast to the middle
Airline missing fonts? Include the fonts in the fonts folder to your computers
font directory
Missing syntax highlighting? Download the zsh plugin,