Instruction on use will follow.
This project is intended to build a simple planning system using ROS and RVIZ.
The main node that handles everything is the pose_handler_node. Recalling that an evaluation function f(n) is the sum of a cost function g(n) and a heuristic function h(n), there are 4 parameters that this node will get to be correctly launched:
- Alpha controls the weight given to the cost function
- Beta controls the weight of the heuristic function
- Dmax is a parameter to handle values of the distance map
- Mode let you select between 3 algorithm to use: A* (i.e.
), UCS (Uniform Cost Search, i.e.f(n)=g(n)
) and GBFS (Greedy Best First Search, i.e.f(n)=h(n)
), in particular, selecting alpha and beta different from 1.0, you will choose the weighted version of each of these algorithm.
Once you are in the project folder, you need 4 different terminals windows to run the program, and the commands needed to be executed are:
essential to allows communication between nodesrosrun rviz rviz
to execute RVIZrosrun map_server map_server src/display_map/src/diag_map.png 0.05
to use the pre_built map_server node that allows you to send a map over the topic "/map" to RVIZ specifing the image of the map and its resolution-
in order to:
catkin build source devel/setup.bash rosrun pose_handler pose_handler_node 3.0 1.0 0.5 A* -DDEBUG
- build the project
- source the setup.bash script
- execute the node with the following parameters: alpha, beta, dmax, mode.
Once you run the last terminal, you need to setup RVIZ in order to subscribe to published topics, in particular, you need a MAP component that subscribes to topic /map and a PATH component that subscribes to a topic /path. After that, you can choose via UI buttons of RVIZ the initial guess and the final pose and let the algorithm do the job. Once the algorithm completes the search, a path will be displayed on RVIZ.
- Alpha = 3.0
- Beta = 1.0
- Dmax = 0.5
the following are the execution using every mode available.
With UCS (i.e. only cost function f(n)=g(n)
With GBFS (i.e. only heuristic function f(n)=h(n)
With A* (i.e. summing heuristic and cost function f(n)=g(n)+h(n)