A simple library for adding a privacy and terms and conditions dialog to your application.
IdleConsent allows you to specify a basic configuration and reliably retrieve acceptance for your (optional) privacy policy and your terms and conditions.
Please use the official IdleConsent repository on GitLab for filing issues and PRs.
Simply specify a config and put it to use:
class ConsentActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
private val idleConfig = IdleConsentConfig(
"Terms and Privacy Notice",
"We care about your experience and privacy using Super Test App. Please take a moment to read through and acknowledge our policies",
"To ensure the best experience, we collect anonymized user data to inform us of crashes and how our users interact with the app.",
listOf("GPS location", "Device information", "Usage statistics"),
"Please see our full privacy policy.",
"Please support Super Test App by allowing us to use your data as mentioned in the privacy policy",
"In order to use Super Test App we require that you agree to our terms and conditions:",
"See full terms and conditions",
"This is just a test"
version = 2
private val consentCallback = object : IdleConsentCallback() {
override fun onAcknowledged(hasUserAgreedToTerms: Boolean, hasUserAgreedToPrivacy: Boolean) {
if (hasUserAgreedToTerms) {
private fun startMainActivity() {
Intent(this@ConsentActivity, MainActivity::class.java).also {
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
val consent = IdleConsent.getInstance(this)
if (!consent.hasUserAgreedToTerms || consent.isNewConsentVersion(2)) {
consent.showConsentDialog(supportFragmentManager, consentCallback, idleConfig)
} else {
To import using gradle ensure you have the following in your main build.gradle
repositories {
Add this to your application level build.gradle
dependencies {
// Consent library
implementation 'me.danlowe:idleconsent:[versionNumber]'
IdleConsent aims to be customizable. You can spannable strings to the configurable text fields or specify a custom information source for your terms and conditions and/or privacy statement.
To specify a custom information source, simply use IdleInfoSource
and one of the follow types:
to display your information in the devices default browserActivity
to display a custom information activityText
to provide information in the form of aCharSequence
displayed in a separate Activity