====================== Eclipse Dirigible is a Cloud Development Platform providing development tools and runtime environment. The main project goal of the platform is to provide all required capabilities needed to develop and run an end-to-end meaningful vertical scenario in the cloud for the shortest time ever.
Website address: www.dirigible.io.
- Database Management
- Server-side Development
- Client-side Development
- Integration Services
- Mobile Apps Development
- Built-in DevOps
Learn about these features and many more here.
##Contributing [These fine people] (https://github.com/dirigible-io/dirigible-io.github.io/graphs/contributors) contribute to the project on a daily basis.
###Join us today!
1. Create an issue and describe your idea.
2. Fork the repository.
3. Work in your branch and why not publish it.
4. Commit the changes.
5. Create a pull request.
6. See your changes come to life!
Eclipse Dirigible is under the [Eclipse Public License - v 1.0] (https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html).