This project has been created to play around with react/redux make secure API calls and is a good place to look for a new movies :)
- install node v 11.x.x
- On the project directory run
npm install
That's it for the client side app! Now we need to get the server starting:
- let's go to the server folder
cd server
- and run
npm i
That's it, we are up and running!
The project needs a private key from
Once you obtain your key you have two options:
- You can create a file called
in the server directory and save the key asTHEMOVIEDB_KEY = {your_key}
- or when you run the server you add the variable API_KEY :
API_KEY={your_key} npm run server
You will need 2 terminal: one to run the server and one for the client app,
Simply run npm run server
The server will run at http://localhost:4000
In another terminal run npm run start
The app will run at http://localhost:3000
The app is still on development. I follow the building process in phases to that I can keep track at what stage the project currently is and what need to do next:
- Get Espress.js up and running and create a basic API call to MovieDB (done)
- Improve the structure of the server and implement the search and getConfig API (done)
- Create the Client app and make an easy call to our server (done)
- Create the searchBar component and connect it to the server (done)
- Add redux and get track of the result of the movies (done)
- Create the components necessary to display a list of movie (done)
- Style the search bAr to make more presentable (done)
- Obtain the poster of the movies and style to make it nice (done)
- Add React-router for a more detailed page when you click on a movie (done)
- Create the api Server-side and Client-side to get the details (done)
- Style a bit to make it presentable
- Visualize page index and Implement the next-page button (or see more).
- Change Homepage to see popular and top rated movies. (like here)
- Spike: can I search movies based on director or cast?
- The server is a simple Express.js as light as possible, The only goal of it is is to make API calls to the MovieDB on behalf or my React App for security reasons.
- The getConfig API is done only once and the result is stored. This way we avoid to do useless calls and waste resources.
- This app looks simple enough and could have been easily be done without redux. I decided to use it for me to improve the mechanics and as the project gets bigger will have no problem scaling.
- I don't use middleware to be able to dispatch function because it adds unnecessary complexity and confusion. As Redux suggests, side effects should be part of the action creation process so I will keep them in the UI component. Maybe in the future we will add a paradigm
- Actions and reducer are simple enough to manage for now. When the project gets bigger if will become difficult to manage I will consider use a paradigm (reducer composition maybe).
- add a loading component for when we are waiting the result from the server
- add a picture for no image available