#Ardustat Code
- Dan Steingart [email protected]
- Barry Van Tassell [email protected]
- Dan Davies [email protected]
Past Contributors:
- Eddie Nolan
- Rigers Qeraj
- Susan Tan
Rigers, Susan and Eddie were able to work on this because of inspiration by NSF CMMI 1031208
###Installation: ####Software that you need to have installed to use the ardustat:
- Arduino (http://arduino.cc/en/Main/Software)
- FTDI Drivers / Arduino Uno Drivers, depending on which version of arduino you are using (see Getting Started guide for arduino at http://arduino.cc/en/Guide/HomePage).
- We're now a node shop.
Note: This software is not tested with Internet Explorer or older versions of Firefox, Safari, Chrome, etc. To avoid preditable results, please use a modern browser.
###General Ardustat Instructions (tested against mac os x)
- Install Version of Firmware 7s on your ardustat (Firmware/Firmware 7_s/)
- In the NodeJS directory, type
- npm install serialport (only on the first go)
- Then type
- node expresserver.js <tcpport e.g. 8888> where serial port is COMX for windows, /dev/tty.usb-whatever for mac, /dev/ttyUSBX for linux
- In a browser, go to http://localhost:8888/debug (stuff should be happening)
- We now need to calibrate the ardustat. Put a quality resistor of known value between the working and counter clips, and then attach the reference clip to the counter clip
- Give your ardustat an id: in the "Ardustat Commands" box type
where XXX is an integer between 0 and 240, and hit send (you only have to do this once as well, the id will persist in EEPROM)
- Under calibration resistor value, enter the value of your resistor in ohms, and hit send
- You should see the graph changing, the yellow line should slope downwards and then reset 3 time.
- Your ardustat is now calibrated. You won't have to do this again (unless you delete the calibration file or feel that the values were inaccurate)
- Now go to http://localhost:8888. You should now see the Potential and Current trace. Play with the the potentiostsat and galvanostat settings.
From here on out, all you need to down is start expresserver.js and then go to http://localhost:8888
##Now with basic cycling
go to http://localhost:port/cycler
enter the following format to cycle
{"mode":"galvanostat","value":0.004,"cutoff_time":0,"direction":"charge","cutoff_potential":1.5} {"mode":"galvanostat","value":-0.002,"cutoff_time":0,"direction":"discharge","cutoff_potential":0.6}
a cutoff_time of 0 means there is no cutoff time. be careful!
logs log to mongo
potential value = Volts current value = Amps time value = milliseconds
##Now with basic viewing from Ardustat_Viewer start node view_server.js
go to localhost:8000