All the code was written and tested on Java Runtime Environment version 1.7.0_51 It is required that you have Java Runtime Environment installed and the java classpath correctly setup to compile and run the code on your system
- Navigate to the folder "Control-Alt-Hack-Online" from your console
- Run the following command javac -classpath bin -sourcepath src -d bin src\grp\ctrlalthack\view\
Alternatively, if you are in a Windows environment, you can run the included compile.bat file
- Navigate to the folder "APR Student Records System" from your console
- Compile the code using the above method
- Run the following command java -cp .;json-20140107.jar;bin grp.ctrlalthack.view.MainView
Alternatively, if you are in a Windows environment, you can run the included run.bat file To open multiple instances, you can open a new console window and run this command multiple times