Based on instructables Uber Home Automation, and updates made by
plans started as those project did, to use Raspi as the Hab for the home automation, based on OpenHab.
major steps i faced along the way:
- install OpenHab2 (needed to change from OpenHab1 approach and implement it)
- use abouillot code for PiGateway (found a bug and fixed it)
- use Mosquitto MQTT broker on the Pi
- use RFM modules for the 433Mhz transmissions - as Uber states strong long distance support Arduino
RFM hookup guide - a very good explanation of how to use the radio card, and hook it up to arduino,
is on this page: - use Arduino Pro Mini 3.3v instead of Arduino Uno Clone 3.3v version
- Update PIR notifications based on "on change" events to OpenHab2, plus time proxy to update "no movement".
- update Temperature sensor using DS18B20 instead of DHT (using OneWire.h instead of DHT.h)
- Adding Relay to switch lights or outlets
- because of 2/3 way switch in the house, and decision to leave them and not replace with smart touch switches, i need to add 2 relays to control 4 way switch (original 2 + remote).
- learn IR codes of A/C, TVs, ... and use it with IR transmits on the sensor node.
- expand the MQTT network with Sonoff devices that require to hack the ESP8266 board on the sonoff and then connect it to MQTT based on http subscription/publish. using either SuperHouse video or others
- how will IP camera will interact with the openhab and MQTT network?