Command-line tool to download audiobooks from OverDrive
Download an OverDrive file (.odm) from your library (e.g. book.odm
) and then call python3 book.odm
to download that book as mp3s.
Includes functionality for updating ID3 tags, changing the owner and group of the files (assuming a Unix-based OS), and printing the metadata from an ODM file without downloading anything.
You can specify a config file in TOML format to set a download location, whether to make filenames lowercase, how you would like to update the ID3 tags, and what user and group ownership you would like set for the downloaded files. Check out the config.toml.example
file as an example.
python3 --help
usage: overdrive-dl [-h] [-d] [-t] [-o] [-s] [-f] [-c CONFIG] [-m] filename
positional arguments:
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-d, --debug print debug messages
-t, --tags Update ID3 tags according to configuration
-o, --owner Update file owner according to configuration
-s, --skip-download Skip downloading files. This option is only valid when
updating tags or owner, in which case it is assumed
the expected files already exist
-f, --force Ignore whether audiobook files already exist and
download all files, replacing any existing files
-c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
Specify configuration file in TOML format (see Without specifying
this flag, overdrive-dl will look for file named
config.toml to read configuration
-m, --print-metadata Print metadata from specified ODM file and exit
Wrote this to scratch my own itch. Inspired in parts by and