Food Trucks of DC is a daily food truck tracker for Washington DC.
The frontend uses Firebase to authenticate users and fetch data. It uses React to draw the page based on the fetched data.
The frontend requires a Firebase config in frontend/src/firebaseConfig.js
You can download the file in the Firebase console under Project settings ->
section Firebase SDK snippet -> option Config.
It should look like this. It must end with export default firebaseConfg
const firebaseConfig = {
apiKey: "foobar",
authDomain: "",
databaseURL: "",
projectId: "foo",
storageBucket: "",
messagingSenderId: "123",
appId: "123"
export default firebaseConfig;
The frontend uses a Google Cloud API key which must have access to the following APIs:
- Cloud Firestore API
- Identity Toolkit API
- Token Service API
The backend:
- Checks the DC food truck lottery results.
- Downloads any new PDFs to Cloud Storage.
- Converts them to CSV.
- Processes them and uploads them to Firestore.
- Makes daily data available through Firestore.