This is a repository for all publicly released packages, tests, and demo projects pertaining to Reflect Viewer.
Note that external users need to have signed an access agreement before accessing any non-public files
Note a valid Reflect license is required to build the Reflect Viewer.
This packages and projects are in-development and not ready for production use. The features and documentation will change before any package or demo content verified for release.
The touch-framework package in-development at Official Repo.
This repository uses Git LFS so make sure you have LFS installed to get all the files. Unfortunately this means that the large files are also not included in the "Download ZIP" option on Github.
This repository currently does not accept contributions. You can fork this repository to make changes to it.
- Open the ReflectViewer project
- From the File->Build Settings, select the desired platform and build
You will be required to have MARS installed with the Simulation Environments to use the Device Simulator. It should be installed automatically as you first open the project.
The main branch where the source code always reflects a state with the latest delivered development changes for the next release, also known as the “integration branch”.
Release branches are the release branches.
- release/1.3.2