master branch:
develop branch:
This module manages the installation of the hardware monitoring aspects of the HP Service Pack for ProLiant from the Software Delivery Repository. It does not support the HP kernel drivers.
This module currently only works on Red Hat Enterprise Linux.
- Installs the SPP YUM repository.
- Installs the HP Health packages and services.
- Installs the HP SNMP Agent package, service, and configuration.
- Installs the HP Systems Management Homepage packages, service, and configuration.
OS Support:
- RedHat - tested on RHEL 6.4
- SuSE - presently unsupported (patches welcome)
Class documentation is available via puppetdoc.
include hp_spp
# Parameterized Class:
class { 'hp_spp':
install_smh => true,
smh_gid => 1000,
smh_uid => 2000,
cmamgmtstationrocommstr => 'community',
cmamgmtstationroipordns => '',
cmatrapdestinationcommstr => 'public',
cmatrapdestinationipordns => '',
- Only tested on RedHat 6.4 x86_64 on a HP DL360 G5.
- None
- None
Please see for contribution information.
Please see LICENSE file.
Copyright (C) 2013 Mike Arnold [email protected]