A Docker image to support cpp_boilerplate_project and cpp_starter_project.
This container collects a large quantity of Linux C++ tools in one container, so you don't have to install them all manually.
A synopsis of the tools installed:
- Ubuntu 20.04
- gcc 11.1.0
- llvm/clang/clang-tidy/lldb/lld/clangd/libclang 13.0.1
- python3 3.8.10
- pip 22.0.4
- conan 1.47.0
- cmake/ccmake 3.23.0
- cppcheck 1.90
- doxygen 1.8.17
- include-what-you-use 0.17
You must have Docker, or an equivalent substitute (podman, lima, etc) installed. You do not need to check out this repository; you may pull prebuilt images directly from Github Container Repository.
Run this in a terminal:
docker pull ghcr.io/ddalcino/cpp_starter:latest
docker run --entrypoint=/bin/bash -it cpp_starter:latest
You can build your own Dockerfiles that extend this Dockerfile:
FROM ghcr.io/ddalcino/cpp_starter:0.1.0
# Install some packages here ...