Clojure HTML templating library. Hiccup + Selectors = Wow.
- Hiccup syntax is good. It is easy to read and easy to compose.
- Emerging frameworks like reagent require hiccup syntax.
- Modifying HTML via selectors can very flexible and easy.
Sneeze uses hiccup. When you want something more powerful you can sneeze.
Sneeze also uses enlive. Enlive is great for reading .html files into clojure and running transformations on them using selectors. It falls short in hiccup compatibility and composability. Enlive is very macro heavy and this can cause issues when your usage isn't quite in the target use case.
Enlive v2. It's not quite baked and edible.
Never used these, no comment.
- Selmer
- Fleet
Add the following dependency to your project.clj
[sneeze "0.2.0"]
(ns myproject.namespace
(:require [sneeze.core :as sneeze]))
(def base-html
[:div {:id "id-name"
:class "class-one class-two"}]]])
(def index-page
"Sneeze makes it easy to thread HTML transformations for easy composability."
(-> base-html
(sneeze/append [:head] [:title "My Appended Site's Title"])
(sneeze/after [:#id-name]
[:p "My footer info here."]])))
;; [:html
;; [:head
;; [:title "My Appended Site's Title"]]
;; [:body
;; [:div {:id "id-name" :class "class-one class-two"}]
;; [:footer [:p "My footer info here."]]]]
;; More Examples
;; Replaces content of [:body] with [:p "hi"]
(content base-html [:body] [:p "hi"])
;; Appends [:p "hi"] to [:body]
(append base-html [:body] [:p "hi"])
;; Prepends [:p "hi"] to [:body]
(prepend base-html [:body] [:p "hi"])
;; Adds [:p "hi"] after [:#id-name]
(after base-html [:#id-name] [:p "hi"])
;; Adds [:p "hi"] before [:#id-name]
(before base-html [:#id-name] [:p "hi"])
;; Replaces [:#id-name] with [:p "hi"]
(substitute base-html [:#id-name] [:p "hi"])
;; Replaces content of [:body] with "<p>hi</p>"
(html-content base-html [:#id-name] "<p>hi</p>")
;; Wraps [:div {:id "wrapper"}] around [#:id-name]
(wrap base-html [:#id-name] :div {:id "wrapper"})
;; Sets class attribute of [:#id-name] to "foo"
(set-attr base-html [:#id-name] :class "foo")
;; Removes id attribute of [:#id-name]
(remove-attr base-html [:#id-name] :id)
;; Adds the classes "class-three" and "class-four" to [:#id-name]
(add-class base-html [:#id-name] "class-three" "class-four")
;; Removes the classes "class-one" and "class-two" from [#id-name]
(remove-class base-html [:#id-name] "class-one" "class-two")
Include hiccup in your project.clj
(use 'hiccup.core) ; For simplicity only, it's better to put hiccup in :require.
(html index-page) ; index-page defined previously in example code.
;; => <html><head><title>My Appended Site's Title</title></head><body><div class=\"class-one class-two\" id=\"id-name\"></div><footer><p>My footer info here.</p></footer></body></html>
Copyright © 2016 Kenny Liu
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.