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✔️ Check Azure status ✔️ New Azure status ✔️ Azure VM Sizing and pricing ✔️ Product availability by region ✔️ Azure Periodic Table
- Commands:
# login in a AAD tenant
az login --tenant <directory_domain>
# get account details e.g. subscribtion,tenant id
az account show
az account show -o table
# list subscriptions
az account list --output table
# change subscription
az account set -s NAME_OR_ID
az account set -s <subscription_guid>
# get tenant ID and subscriptions
az account list -o table --all --query "[].{TenantID: tenantId, Subscription: name, Default: isDefault}"
# list resource groups from a subscription based on query
az group list --query "[?location=='westeurope']" -o table
az group list --query "[?name=='RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME']" -o table
az group list -o table
# check resource group components aka resources
az group show --resource-group RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME
az resource list --query "[?resourceGroup=='RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME']"
# list service principals
az ad sp list --query "[].{id:id,name:displayName}" --show-mine
# create service principal app_name in AAD + https://stackoverflow.com/questions/55457349/service-principal-az-cli-login-failing-no-subscriptions-found
export mySubscriptionID="3e053c67-dd5c-4904-8ecb-5af26418d771"
az ad sp create-for-rbac --name <service_principal> --role contributor --scopes /subscriptions/$mySubscriptionID
# login using sp - username for a service principal is its Application is (client) ID
az login --output json --password <service_principal_password> --service-principal --tenant <AAD_tenant> --username <service_principal>
# reset credentials for service principal will output to STDOUT the new credentials
az ad sp credential reset --name <service_principal>
# assign role to SVP
az role assignment create --assignee "object_id" --role "contributor"
# create vm - the key will be stored into ~/.ssh defaults to id_rsa
az vm create --name demovm --resource-group <RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME> --image Ubuntu2204 --generate-ssh-keys
- AKS:
# get supported k8s version by region
az aks get-versions --location westeurope
az aks get-versions --location westeurope | jq ".orchestrators[] | .orchestratorVersion"
# check control plane and nodes k8s version
az aks show -g <RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME> -n <Kubernetes_service_AKS_CLUSTER_NAME> | grep -E "orchestratorVersion|kubernetesVersion"
# check AKS/K8s node pool
az aks show --resource-group RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME --name AKS_CLUSTER_NAME --query agentPoolProfiles
az aks nodepool list --cluster-name <Kubernetes_service_AKS_CLUSTER_NAME> --resource-group <RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME>
az aks nodepool list --resource-group <RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME> --cluster-name <Kubernetes_service_AKS_CLUSTER_NAME>
# add nodepool
az aks nodepool add -g <RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME> --cluster-name <Kubernetes_service_AKS_CLUSTER_NAME> --name secondpool --node-count 2
# scale AKS/k8s cluster: set
az aks scale --resource-group RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME --name AKS_CLUSTER_NAME --node-count 4 --nodepool-name NODEPOOL_NAME
# get/fix k8s cluster credentials .kube/config
az aks get-credentials --resource-group <resourge_group_name> --name <cluster-name>
az aks get-credentials --resource-group <resourge_group_name> --name <cluster-name> --admin
Azure Management Groups - containers that help you manage access, policy, and compliance for multiple subscriptions
Azure Subscriptions - authenticates and authorizes user to use resources, and a subscription is linked to an Azure account, which in turn is an identity in Azure Active Directory (AD). Hence, a subscription is an agreement between an organization and Microsoft to use resources, for which charges are either paid on a per-license basis or a cloud-based, resource-consumption basis. (DEPRECATED)
All Azure subscriptions have a trust relationship with a Microsoft Entra tenant (Microsoft Entra ID formerly Azure Active Directory)
Azure Resources Groups - logical collections of virtual machines, storage accounts, virtual networks, web apps, databases, and/or database servers
Service principal - identity created for use with applications, hosted services, and automated tools to access Azure resources instead of havving apps signs is as a fully privileged user.
Billing account - Subscription - Resource Group (A billing account can contain multiple subscriptions within it to help isolate and organize how payments are organized. Subscriptions contain multiple resource groups, which are collections of related resources, such as compute, storage, and network resources within the same application)
Azure subscription and resource groups:
- Wrapper script:
# check if user is logged in azure cli
if [ -z "$(az account show)" ]; then
echo "Please login to azure cli"
az login --use-device-code
echo "Logged in to azure cli with the following account:"
az account show -o table
separator_stuff="\e[1;32m ===============================================================\e[0m\n"
# list available subscriptions
echo -e "$separator_stuff Available subscriptions:"
az account list -o table --all
# select and set subscription using subscription_id variable
echo -e "$separator_stuff Select subscriptionId :"
read subscription_id
az account set --subscription $subscription_id
# list all resource groups in the selected subscription
echo -e "$separator_stuff Available RESOURCE GROUPS in the selected subscription:"
#az group list -o table --query "[?contains(id, '$subscription_id')]"
az group list -o table
# select and set resource group using resource_group variable
echo -e "$separator_stuff Select resource group :"
read resource_group
echo -e "$separator_stuff Available RESOURCES in the $resource_group RESOURCE GROUP:"
az resource list --query "[?resourceGroup=='$resource_group']" -o table
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