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Apache Flink Snowflake Connector

The repository for the Apache Flink Snowflake connector.

Apache Flink

Apache Flink is an open source stream processing framework with powerful stream- and batch-processing capabilities.

Learn more about Flink at

Building the Apache Flink Snowflake Connector from Source


  • Unix-like environment (we use Linux, Mac OS X)
  • Git
  • Maven (we recommend version 3.8.6)
  • Java 17
git clone
cd flink-connector-snowflake
mvn clean package -DskipTests

The resulting JARs can be found in the target directory of the respective module.

Maven Dependency

The Snowflake connector can be imported into a Maven project using the following dependency:

<!-- -->

Define a flink-connector-snowflake.version property in the pom.xml of the Maven project or replace ${flink-connector-snowflake.version} with a version from the Maven Central repository.

Using the SnowflakeSink API

class test {

    final SnowflakeSink<Map<String, Object>> sink =
        SnowflakeSink.<Map<String, Object>>builder()


  • url is the account URL given by Snowflake, e.g. https://<account-id>
  • user is the username to use to connect to the Snowflake account.
  • role is the role with access to the table within the Snowflake account.
  • bufferTimeMillis is the time in milliseconds to buffer records before writing them to Snowflake. NOTE: The buffer is also flushed when a checkpoint is triggered or the job is stopped. See Checkpointing with Flink.
  • database is the database name within the Snowflake account. See note below about case sensitivity.
  • schema is the schema name within the Snowflake account. See note below about case sensitivity.
  • table is the table name within the Snowflake account. See note below about case sensitivity.
  • serializationSchema is the serialization schema implementation of SnowflakeRowSerializationSchema to use to convert records to Snowflake rows.

In Snowflake, the full name of a table is case-insensitive, but UPPER_CASE biased. In other words, a sink configured with a fully qualified name of DB.SCHEMA.table is treated as DB.SCHEMA.TABLE. To be able to use case-sensitive name parts, add double quotes around them to be treated as the literal name, e.g. DB.SCHEMA."table".

Checkpointing with Flink

It's highly recommended that any checkpointing that happens using this connector to be configured to be at least 1 second to properly optimize cost and performance.


Required Credentials

The following credentials are used in the tests for integrating with the Snowflake service:

  • SNOWFLAKE_URL: Account URL to use to connect to the account to write data to
  • SNOWFLAKE_USER: Username to write data as
  • SNOWFLAKE_ROLE: Database role to write data as
  • SNOWFLAKE_PRIVATE_KEY: User's private key to use for connecting to the service
  • SNOWFLAKE_KEY_PASSPHRASE: User's private key password to use for connecting to the service, as supported by OpenSSL guidelines

Integration Test

Using the Required Credentials, test Snowflake integration with a simple write to the configured Snowflake account:

mvn clean test-compile failsafe:integration-test

Unit tests are run in the test phase:

mvn clean test

To debug issues with the tests, set the rootLogger.level in the flink-connector-snowflake/src/test/resources/ to INFO or DEBUG.

IntelliJ IDEA

The IntelliJ IDE supports Maven out of the box:

Setup CheckStyle for static coding guidelines within IntelliJ IDEA:

  1. Go to SettingsToolsCheckstyle.
  2. Set Scan Scope to Only Java sources (including tests).
  3. For Checkstyle Version select 8.14.
  4. Under Configuration File click the + icon to add a new configuration.
  5. Set Description to Flink.
  6. Select Use a local Checkstyle file and point it to tools/maven/checkstyle.xml located within your cloned repository.
  7. Select Store relative to project location and click Next.
  8. Configure the property checkstyle.suppressions.file with the value suppressions.xml and click Next.
  9. Click Finish.
  10. Select Flink as the only active configuration file and click Apply.

You can now import the Checkstyle configuration for the Java code formatter.

  1. Go to SettingsEditorCode StyleJava.
  2. Click the gear icon next to Scheme and select Import SchemeCheckstyle Configuration.
  3. Navigate to and select tools/maven/checkstyle.xml located within your cloned repository.

To verify the setup, click ViewTool WindowsCheckstyle and find the Check Module button in the opened tool window. It should report no violations.


Don’t hesitate to ask!

Open a Flink issue if you found a bug in Flink or this connector.

Fork and Contribute

This is an active open-source project. We are always open to people who want to use the system or contribute to it. Contact us if you are looking for implementation tasks that fit your development skills.

All pull requests must be accompanied by a JIRA issue. Pull-request guidelines are provided when opening a new one.


This connector is an open source project developed at DeltaStream, Inc. for use with the Apache Flink project.