This workshop is important because:
- Local and cloud based version control are fundamental tools of every developer
- Git and Github are the most popular version control solution for open-source projects
- Proficient use of Git and Github allows collaboration on projects from small teams to hundreds or thousands of developers.
After this lesson, students will be able to:
- Explain basic git commands like init, add, commit, push, pull and clone
- Create a git repo
- Keep a local git repo in sync with a remote repo on GitHub
Before this lesson, students should already be able to:
- Use the command line
- Use a text editor
What is the difference between Git and GitHub?
Git is a software version control tool that works on your local machine. It allows you to `init`, `add`, `commit`, and `fork` project 'repos'. It also has methods `push`, `pull`, and `fetch` which are designed to interact with a git server or cloud based service like GitHub.
Github is a cloud based git server and social network which uses Git under the hood for its version control system.
Version control is a kind of software used to track changes to files so that a comprehensive history of the file content can be reviewed.
There are two main types of version control:
Centralized: All changes are kept on a single server
Distributed: Changes can be tracked on individual computers, and synched using the cloud
Git and GitHub together form a distributed version control system
There are also a lot of commands you can use in git. You can take a look at a list of the available commands by running:
$ git help -a
Even though there are lots of commands, in this course we will really only need about 10.
First, create a directory on your Desktop:
$ cd ~/Desktop
$ mkdir hello-world
You can place this directory under Git revision control using the command:
$ git init
Git will reply:
Initialized empty Git repository in <location>
You've now initialized the working directory.
If we look at the contents of this empty folder using:
ls -A
We should see that there is now a hidden folder called .git
this is where all of the information about your repository is stored. There is no need for you to make any changes to this folder. You can control all the git flow using git
Let's create a new file:
$ touch file.txt
A small cross should show next to your prompt!
git:(master) ✗
If we run git status
we should get:
On branch master
Initial commit
Untracked files:
(use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)
This means that there is a new untracked file. Next, tell Git to take a snapshot of the contents of all files under the current directory (note the .)
$ git add . (or git add -A)
What is the difference?
This snapshot is now stored in a temporary staging area which Git calls the "index".
To permanently store the contents of the index in the repository, (commit these changes to the HEAD), you need to run:
$ git commit -m "Adds file.txt"
You should now get:
[master (root-commit) b4faebd] Adds file.txt
1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 file.txt
If we want to view the commit history, we can run:
git log
You should see:
* b4faebd (HEAD, master) Adds file.txt
To exit this view, you need to press:
A good commit message is:
- in present tense
- describes what the commit contributes
Good | Bad |
"Adds signup and login" | "Added logout stuff" |
"Creates upvote counter" | "Upvotes!" |
"Fixes merge conflict" | "conflict" |
"Fixes typo" | "stupid f***ing typos" |
"Fixes issue #347" | commit logs from last night |
Maybe just take a break.
Now let's open file.txt in Sublime:
$ subl file.txt
Inside the file, write something.
If you press return
in the terminal, you will now see that you have untracked changes.
Running git status
again will show you that file.txt has been modified.
Let's now make a second commit.
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "Adds content to file.txt"
Checking git log
will show you 2 commits with different ids:
* 6e78569 (HEAD, master) Adds content to file.txt
* b4faebd Adds file.txt
We can revert the file back to the first commit using its specific commit id with:
$ git reset --soft b4faebd
This will do a soft reset, where the changes in the file we made are still there - the changes are staged but not committed anymore.
If we want to revert the file back and disregard any changes (dangerous!), we can use almost definitely do not use:
$ git reset --hard b4faebd
- Go to your Github account
- In the top left, hit the + button and select
New repository
- Name your repository
- Initialize this repository with a README (So that we can
git pull
) - Click the big green Create Repository button
We now need to connect our local Git repo with our remote repository on GitHub. We have to add a "remote" repository, an address where we can send our local files to be stored.
git remote add origin [email protected]:github-name/hello-world.git
In order to send files from our local machine to our remote repository on Github, we need to use the command git push
. However, you also need to add the name of the remote, in this case we called it origin
and the name of the branch, in this case master
git push origin master
This should fail due to new files on the remote repo.
As we added the in our repo, we need to first pull
that file to our local repository to check that we haven't got a 'conflict'.
git pull origin master
Once we have done this, you should see the README file on your computer. Now you can push your changes:
git push origin master
Refresh your GitHub webpage, and the files should be there.
Cloning allows you to get a local copy of a remote repository.
Navigate back to your Desktop and delete your hello-world repository:
cd ~/Desktop
rm -rf hello-world
Now ask the person sitting next to you for their github name and navigate to their repository on github:<github-username>/hello-world
On the right hand side you will see:
Ensure that you have SSH checked and copy this url.
To retrieve the contents of their repo, all you need to do is:
$ git clone [email protected]:alexpchin/hello-world.git
Git should reply:
Cloning into 'hello-world'...
remote: Counting objects: 3, done.
remote: Total 3 (delta 0), reused 3 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (3/3), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
You now have cloned your first repository!
The fork
& pull
model lets anyone fork an existing repository and push changes to their personal fork without requiring access be granted to the source repository.
Most commonly, forks are used to either propose changes to someone else's project or to use someone else's project as a starting point for your own idea.
When you fork a repository, you make a new remote repository that is exactly the same as the original, except you are the owner. You can then clone
your new fork and push
and pull
to it without needing any special permissions.
When you clone a repository, unless you have been added as a contributor, you will not be able to push your changes to the original remote repository.
When you want to propose a change to a repository (the original project) that you have forked, you can issue a pull request. This basically is you saying:
"I've made some changes to your repository, if you want to include them in your original one then you can pull them from my fork!"
Use the internet and what you've learned today to answer the following questions with a partner:
- How do I send changes to the staging area?
- How do I check what is going to be committed?
- How do I send the commits to Github?
- How do I go back to the previous commit?
- How do I check the configuration on a specific machine?
- How does github know that I am allowed to push to a specific repo?
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