Coding Traineeship Program from IT Career Switch in 4 steps. It consists of Introduction to Development, Full Stack Development (Practical Projects), Real World Projects and Portfolio Website.
The training is delivered via multimedia rich video tutorials, PowerPoint slides and quizzes.
Studied Front-End Coding Languages, along with various Back-End Languages. Completed a number of mini-projects where I practiced my coding skills as I study through the material. On Codecademy.
Completion Certificates
- Certificate in Bootstrap
- Certificate in Command Line
- Certificate in CSS
- Certificate in Full Stack Engineer
- Certificate in HTML
- Certificate in JavaScript
- Certificate in jQuery
- Certificate in NodeJS
- Certificate in PHP
- Certificate in Python 3
- Certificate in React
- Certificate in SQL
Codecademy Assessement Test Based on Step 2
As well as Two Real World Projects there is also a preparatory project.
A GitHub Account has been in place. A web server has been set up with the latest version of XAMPP. A presence on the Internet has been set up. It is at Derek Dhammaloka Website, web hosting account IONOS.
Once I have completed task, project1 or project2, I email Nelson Dhlamini ([email protected]) with the web address and the private GitHub Repository. I can get feedback.
Tasks Completed
In Progress
I am currently working on project2.
- Atanas Dimitrov
- Codecademy
- Nelson Dhlamini (Tutor at IT Career Switch)
- Paddy Evans (Head Tutor & Coding Systems Development), including CodePen Suggestions
- Geonames
- Stack Overflow
- W3Schools
- Open Cage Data
- Open Exchange Rates
- News API
- REST Countries
- Esri for Satellite Map
- Stamen for Toner View
- Carto for Positron View
- Open Street Map including Copyright Information for Streets, Toner and Positron.