Homework assignment: In this repository, I published all of my homework related to the courses:
- Computer Hardware,
- Databases,
- Daemons,
- Programming languages: Please, look at the Python directory and enjoy my articles,
- Some algorithms: Sorting, traversing, leetcode problems, etc.
Please, notice that my daemon paper uses Rust, C++, JS, and Python, but I do not teach those languages; yet, explain some concepts in the Python directory and try to write as clear and readable code as possible.
You can test my code here: https://www.mycompiler.io/new/asm-x86_64
You can test drive Linux: https://distrosea.com/
Finally, you can become familiar with Assembly used on Linux: NASM at the link https://www.nasm.us/doc/nasmdoc3.html#section-3.1