Integration of Mercado Pago with Spree 1.3
(Spree 1.2 users please check spree-1.2 branch)
Add this line to your Gemfile (Ruby 1.8 users note 1.9 style hash):
gem 'spree_mercado_pago_payment_method', git: "[email protected]:manuca/Spree-Mercado-Pago-payment-method.git"
- Add a new payment method in the admin panel of type PaymentMethod::MercadoPago
- After adding the payment method you will be able to configure your Client ID and Client Secret (provided by Mercado Pago).
- Once you received finished orders you must manually capture (or void) the order at least until IPN is implemented.
- Portuguese translation (volunteers please take a look at localization files, there are very few strings to translate and I'll be glad to add a pt.yml to this repo).
- Implementation of IPN (Instant Payment Notification)
- Configurable currency