An attempt of Blue Green deployment using Docker.
This POC is powered by the following tools:
- Fig: a tool used to manage an application in distributed containers.
- Nginx: an HTTP and reverse proxy server.
- Consul: a tool for discovering and configuring services in your infrastructure.
- Consul-template: a daemon used to populate values from Consul on your filesystem.
- Registrator: a tool that automatically register/deregister Docker containers into Consul.
Ensure you have Docker installed.
Install fig:
$ sudo pip install -U fig
Update the fig.yml file and replace ROUTABLE_IP with a routable IP address (use your main interface IP address).
Build the 2 sites images:
$ docker build -t sitea siteA/
$ docker build -t siteb siteB/
Start the Nginx + Consul + Registrator stack:
$ fig pull & fig build
$ fig up -d
Start a "v1" container:
$ docker run -d -e "SERVICE_NAME=my_service" -e "SERVICE_TAGS=my_tag" -p 80 -d sitea
Point your browser at http://localhost to see the result.
Next, start a "v2" container:
$ docker run -d -e "SERVICE_NAME=my_service" -e "SERVICE_TAGS=my_tag" -p 80 -d siteb
Point your browser at http://localhost to see the result, you should now be load balanced between the 2 versions.
Stop your v1 container and enjoy a smooth BG deployment :)
Access the Consul UI via http://localhost:8500