FastAPI Version Handler is a Python package that provides efficient header-based routing for API versioning in FastAPI.
This is an experimental project, a cleaned and upgraded version from until I discovered the real project behind
If you are interested in more about this topic, I would recommend to explore the CadWyn project, it provides a complete solution and workflow for working on single version of the code while auto-generating the schemas and routes for older versions (Stripe-like API versioning).
- Seamless integration with FastAPI applications.
- Easily manage API versioning through HTTP headers.
- Simplified routing based on API version headers.
To use FastAPI Version Handler, you can checkout the repository from here and add it to the PYTHONPATH:
# Set environment variables
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:$(pwd)/fastapi_version_handler
import uvicorn
from contextvars import ContextVar
from fastapi import APIRouter
from fastapi_version_handler import HeaderBasedVersionHandler
# Context variables are optional, but they can be useful for debugging.
requested_version: ContextVar[str] = ContextVar("requested_version", default=None)
returned_version: ContextVar[str] = ContextVar("returned_version", default=None)
app = HeaderBasedVersionHandler(
router = APIRouter()
unversioned = APIRouter()
versions = [
"2.2.5", # Without 'v' prefix
"2024-01-05", # Date format
async def get_heroes():
return {
"Requested version": requested_version.get(),
"Returned version": returned_version.get(),
"Versions": versions
async def health():
return {"status": "ok"}
# Add versioned routes
for version in versions:
# Add unversioned routes
if __name__ == "__main__":
# HeaderBasedVersionHandler inherits from FastAPI, so you can pass any FastAPI kwargs.
# Here we customize the title and enable debugging.
app = HeaderBasedVersionHandler(
title="FastAPI Version Handler", # Custom title. Use any FastAPI kwargs.
version_header_name="CUSTOM-X-API-Version", # Custom header name.
show_dashboard=False, # True by default, disables OpenAPI Contracts landing page.
group_versions = True, # False by default, groups versions by major version or year.
# You can use include_router with HeaderBasedVersionHandler to add routers with additional options.
# Here we add a router with a specific header version and a custom URL prefix.
prefix="/v2", # Supports any include_router kwargs
In a real-world scenario, it's common to have different routers loaded for each API version to achieve proper version routing. This example demonstrates a simplified approach where a single router is loaded for every version. Depending on your application's requirements, you may need to customize the routing logic accordingly.
Contributions are welcome! For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
For a full list of changes and releases, see the Changelog.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
Here's a screenshot of our application in action: