Every textarea should let you submit comments by pressing cmd-enter or ctrl-enter. For every site that doesn't support it, a kitten weeps. Here's to making less kittens weep.
If reddit.com is giving you a bad time and not letting you use cmd-enter to submit comments, just create a reddit.js.com file and add the JavaScript required to submit comments (example below). jQuery is available from dotjs regardless if the target site has it or not. Some sites may require multiple event listeners if they format their textareas differently throughout their site.
Here is an example of adding cmd-enter to reddit.com:
$(document).on('keydown', '.usertext-edit textarea', function(e) {
if(e.keyCode == 13 && (e.metaKey || e.ctrlKey)) {
.usertext-edit textarea
is the selector for all textareas we are listening to.e.keyCode == 13
- 13 here is the enter key.(e.metaKey || e.ctrlKey)
is either the command key or ctrl key.
- Fork the project.
- Add the cmd-enter behavior to a site.
- Add the site to the Supported Sites part of this README.
- Send me a pull request.