A Julia package for the kinematic analysis of the
- C. Stoeffler, A. Fernandez, H. Peters, M. Schilling and S. Kumar: Kinematic Analysis of a Novel Humanoid Wrist Parallel Mechanism, Advances in Robot Kinematics 2022 (see ARK 2022).
- Christoph Stoeffler [email protected]
- Adriano Fernandez [email protected]
The here presented 2-DOF mechanism for inclination and tilt possesses two double closed-loop chains and allows increased range of motion compared to a classical
pkg> add NovelWrist
A wrist geometry is defined by the constructor taking keyword arguments related to the geometry above. The wrist mechanism at DFKI Bremen has the following geometry:
julia> using NovelWrist
julia> RH5_wrist = WristGeometry(l = (0.045, 0.045),
r = (0.049, 0.049),
r_ = (0.049, 0.049),
h = (0.012, 0.012),
b = ([0.015, -0.178, -0.034], [-0.015, -0.178, -0.034]),
c = ([0.015, -0.032, 0.011], [-0.015, -0.032, 0.011]),
e0 = ([0.027, 0, -0.030], [-0.027, 0, -0.030]),
n = ([1, 0, 0], [-1, 0, 0]),
actuator_limits = ((0.113, 0.178), (0.113, 0.178)));
The actuator limits denote the minimum and maximum values that can be reached by the linear actuators, denoted as q
in the kinematic model. Presented function calls are executed for the assembly mode of RH5_wrist
(solution = [1,2]
) but can be altered. Note that the normal vector n
has to point outwards on both sides of the mechanism.
Computation of the actuator length from a given pose defined by inclination (intrinsic = false
julia> x = [0, 0]; # angles in rad
julia> q = inverse_kinematics(x, RH5_wrist; solution = [1,2])
2-element Vector{Real}:
Computes the end-effector orientation α
and γ
, given the solution for the actuator lengths q
julia> α, γ = forward_kinematics(q, RH5_wrist, solution = [2,1,1])
(-2.2204460492503136e-16, 0.0)
To get the Jacobian
julia> J = Jacobian(x, RH5_wrist; specsol = [1,2] split = false)
2×2 Matrix{Real}:
15.9633 15.9633
17.737 -17.737
When split = true
The condition index of the novel mechanism can be plotted over α
and γ
julia> plot_conditioning(RH5_wrist, α = (-π, π), γ = (-π, π), solution = [1,2], resol = 500) # increasing resol will give a higher resolution
The dashed lines indicate the workspace limits imposed by
The actuator lengths for plotting the the configuration space are computed for end-effector orientations between -π and π:
julia> plot_configuration_space(RH5_wrist; solution = [1,2], intrinsic = true, resol = 100)
Here, for better visibility, the
are visualized using a red rectangle.
Computes and plots the difference of the condition index between
julia> plot_comparative_conditioning(RH5_wrist, α = (-π, π), γ = (-π, π), solution = [1,2], resol = 400)
The singularity curves of novel design and comparative design are obtained by sampling through the work space. Note, that in order to get closed contures, a high value for resol
has to be set. This however increases the computing time considerably.
julia> plot_comparative_singularities(RH5_wrist, α = (-π, π), γ = (-π, π), solution = [1,2], intrinsic = true, resol = 5000)
The theoretically feasible work space for the novel design is denoted by the blue coloured "shadow".
Plots of Torque and Speed at pure inclination and pure tilt movements can be computed. Additionally, characteristic values are printed to the console:
julia> plot_torque_C(RH5_wrist, α = (-π, π), γ = (-π, π), solution = [1,2], resol=600)
Pure inclination/tilt characteristics - new wrist:
Inclination range: -0.74/1.83 rad,
Maximum inclination torque: 62.94 Nm, correspondent inclination velocity: 6.36 rad/s,
Tilt range: -0.97/0.98 rad,
Maximum tilt torque: 56.38 Nm, correspondent tilt velocity: 7.09 rad/s
Pure inclination/tilt characteristics - comparative design:
Inclination range: -0.74/1.76 rad,
Maximum inclination torque: 59.86 Nm, correspondent inclination velocity: 6.68 rad/s,
Tilt range: -0.97/0.98 rad,
Maximum tilt torque: 53.86 Nm, correspondent tilt velocity: 7.43 rad/s
This work was partially supported from the projects VeryHuman (FKZ01IW20004) and TransFIT (FKZ 50RA1701) funded by the German Aerospace Center (DLR) with federal funds from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) respectively.