php-snmptraps is an php trpahandler that processes snmp traps, writes them to database and/or file and sends notifications via sms/email/pushover to users, based on web settings.
It comes with nice HMTL5 UI:
- Dashboard that shows overview of last messages
- Displays messages sent by specific host
- Displays messages per severity
- Displays specific messages received
- Live update of received traps
and more.
You can set severity level for each received message, ignore specific message types, create maintaneance periods for hosts, set per-user quiet hours and more.
Notifications are set per-user/severity, by default aupported are:
- Email notification
- Pushover notification
- SMS notification
- Slack/Mattermost notification
The can be easily extended to any other custom notification type.
This guide assumes you have a working net-snmp, apache, php and mysql installation with default apache files stored in /var/www/.
1.Set traphandler
First, edit file /etc/snmp/snmptrapd.conf
and add traphandler for default files to traphandler.php:
# listen on
agentaddress my_ip_address:162
# set php-snmptraps as default trap handler
traphandle default /usr/bin/php /var/www/traphandler.php
2.Prepare and edit config file
Now go to /var/www/ directory and copy config.dist.php to config.php:
cp /var/www/config.dist.php /var/www/config.php
and edit the config file to match your settings.
3.Set mod_rewrite
mod_rewrite is required for snmptraps. Example here:
4.Import database schema
Now you have to import chema for mysql database with following command:
mysql -u root -p
Enter password:
mysql> create database snmptraps;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
mysql> GRANT ALL on snmptraps.* to snmptraps@localhost identified by "snmptraps";
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
mysql> exit
# import SCHEMA.SQL file
mysql -u root -p snmptraps < db/SCHEMA.sql
That should be it, fire up browser and login. Default user/pass is Admin/snmptraps.
5.Send test message and debugging
To test snmptrap you can use the following command:
snmptrap -v 2c -c public my_public_ip '' . . s "Power supply failure"
Check also the file you set in config.php for possible errors:
tail -f /tmp/trap.txt