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Shared github workflows created by the digicatapult organisation.


The following workflows are included in this repository

Synchronises the version in a package.json on a pull-request branch in relation to a trunk branch based on the presence of one of three labels: [v:major, v:minor, v:patch] and removes the label v:stale if present. If the current version is found to be incorrect this workflow will perform a commit on that branch in order to set the correct value.


input type description
pr-number number The PR to run this workflow for
trunk-branch string The trunk branch to synchronise against

This workflow also requires two secrets in order to run

secret description
bot-id Id of the Github App to use when committing version updates
bot-key Private Key for the Github App

Synchronises the version in a package.json in relation to a trunk branch based on the presence of one of three labels: [v:major, v:minor, v:patch] and removes the label v:stale if present. If the current version is found to be incorrect this workflow will perform a commit on that branch in order to set the correct value. This is done for all open pull-requests.


input type description
trunk-branch string The trunk branch to synchronise against

This workflow also requires two secrets in order to run

secret description
bot-id Id of the Github App to use when committing version updates
bot-key Private Key for the Github App

Builds a Docker container and optionally pushes it to GitHub Container Registry (GHCR), DockerHub, or both. The workflow is configurable to support multi-platform builds and various tagging options.


Input Type Description Default Required
env_vars string JSON string of environment variables in key:value format, parsed and added to $GITHUB_ENV at the start of the run {} false
push_dockerhub boolean Whether to push the built image to DockerHub false false
push_ghcr boolean Whether to push the built image to GHCR false false
docker_platforms string Specifies architectures to build the container for "linux/amd64,linux/arm64" false
docker_file string Dockerfile to be used for building the container Dockerfile false


Secret Description
DOCKERHUB_USERNAME DockerHub username used for authentication when pushing to DockerHub
DOCKERHUB_TOKEN DockerHub token (or password) used for authentication when pushing to DockerHub

Workflow Description

This GitHub Actions workflow is designed to build a Docker container, optionally pushing it to GHCR and/or DockerHub. It includes multi-platform support and customizable tagging for version management. Key steps are as follows:

  1. Repository Identifier Extraction: Captures the repository and organization names, converting them to lowercase for consistency in tags.
  2. Set Environment Variables: Parses JSON env_vars and sets them in the workflow environment.
  3. Version Management: Uses digicatapult/check-version to determine the version and release type, which is then used in image tagging.
  4. Docker Setup:
    • QEMU Setup: Enables emulation for multi-platform builds.
    • Buildx Setup: Sets up Docker Buildx for advanced build features.
  5. Tag Generation: Based on version data and push preferences, generates tags for GHCR and DockerHub, including :latest tags for stable releases.

Conditional Push Cases

  1. Push to GHCR Only: If push_ghcr is true and push_dockerhub is false, builds and pushes the image to GHCR.
  2. Push to DockerHub Only: If push_dockerhub is true and push_ghcr is false, builds and pushes the image to DockerHub.
  3. Push to Both GHCR and DockerHub: If both push_ghcr and push_dockerhub are true, builds and pushes the image to both registries.
  4. Build Only: If neither push_ghcr nor push_dockerhub are true, builds the image without pushing to any registry.

Labels and Metadata

For all images, the workflow adds OCI-compliant metadata labels to enrich the image with information about the repository source, version, and build date. This metadata provides valuable information for tracking the image’s origin and history.

This workflow is versatile, offering a full pipeline for Docker image creation and optional registry publishing, adapting to a range of requirements from simple builds to multi-platform, multi-registry deployments.

Determines the versioning information of the repository, setting output values related to version, release type, and build date.


Output Type Description
is_new_version boolean Indicates if the detected version is a new release
version string The current version string
build_date string The date when the build was initiated
is_prerelease boolean Indicates if the version is a pre-release

Workflow Description

This GitHub Actions workflow verifies and checks the versioning details of the repository. It uses the digicatapult/check-version action to assess the version information, outputting details such as whether it’s a new version, the version string, if it's a pre-release, and the build date. These outputs can be used by subsequent jobs to conditionally perform tasks based on the versioning state.

Automates the release process on GitHub, creating a versioned release based on the repository’s current version.


Input Type Description Default
env_vars string A JSON string representing environment variables in the format key:value; parsed and added to $GITHUB_ENV at the beginning of the run {}

Workflow Description

This GitHub Actions workflow creates a new release on GitHub. It uses the digicatapult/check-version action to determine the current version and then applies marvinpinto/action-automatic-releases to create a versioned release and update the latest release tag. The process involves:

  1. Setting Environment Variables: Parses and sets environment variables from a JSON string.
  2. Version Check: Uses digicatapult/check-version to retrieve the current version information.
  3. Build Versioned Release: Creates a GitHub release using the version retrieved from the previous step.
  4. Build Latest Release: Updates the latest tag to point to the newly created release.

This workflow helps streamline the release process by automating version checks and tagging, making it easy to manage versioned releases and update the latest release reference.

Publishes an NPM package to the specified registry, optionally building the package before publishing. This workflow supports configurable registry details, package access settings, and the option to build the package.


Input Type Description Default Required
env_vars string A JSON string representing environment variables in the format key:value; parsed and added to $GITHUB_ENV at the beginning of the run {} false
registry_url string The NPM registry URL to which the package will be published false
registry_scope string The NPM registry scope to use for the package @digicatapult false
npm_build_command string CLI command to run as a build step. Skipped if empty string '' false
package_access string The access level for the published package (public or restricted) public false


Secret Description
REGISTRY_AUTH_TOKEN Authentication token required to publish the package to the NPM registry. Only needed if registry_url is not

Workflow Description

This GitHub Actions workflow publishes an NPM package, optionally building it beforehand. It is highly configurable, allowing users to specify registry details, scope, and access level. The workflow includes the following steps:

  1. Setting Environment Variables: Parses and sets environment variables from a JSON string.
  2. Version Check: Uses digicatapult/check-version to retrieve the current version information.
  3. Node Setup: Configures the Node.js environment, including setting the registry URL and scope.
  4. Install Packages: Installs the package dependencies.
  5. Build: Builds the package if npm_build is set to true.
  6. Publish to NPM: Publishes the package to the specified registry with the given access level, using the provided AUTH_TOKEN for authentication.

This workflow simplifies the process of publishing NPM packages by handling environment setup, versioning, and publication in a single automated sequence.

Performs configurable static analysis checks on an NPM project, such as linting, dependency checking, XSS scanning, and additional checks, based on the specified commands.


Input Type Description Default Required
env_vars string A JSON string representing environment variables in the format key:value; parsed and added to $GITHUB_ENV at the beginning of the run {} false
matrix_commands string A JSON array of commands to run in the static checks matrix, each representing an NPM script defined in the package [lint,depcheck,check] false

Workflow Description

This GitHub Actions workflow runs a series of static checks on an NPM project based on a configurable list of commands. The commands run in parallel through a matrix strategy, allowing selective failure without interrupting the entire workflow.

  1. Setting Environment Variables: Parses and sets environment variables from a JSON string.
  2. Node Setup: Configures the Node.js environment.
  3. Node Modules Caching: Caches node_modules based on the package-lock.json hash to speed up dependency installation.
  4. Install Packages: Installs the necessary dependencies.
  5. Run Static Checks: Executes each specified command in the matrix (lint, depcheck, check or others as configured) as defined in the NPM scripts.

This flexible workflow enables dynamic static analysis checks to maintain code quality, making it adaptable to different project requirements.

Executes end-to-end (E2E) tests for an NPM project using Docker Compose, supporting optional build commands and project-specific configurations.


Input Type Description Default Required
env_vars string JSON string of environment variables in key:value format, parsed and added to $GITHUB_ENV at the beginning of the run {} false
npm_build_command string Optional command to build the application before running tests '' false
pre_test_command string Optional command to execute before running the main test command '' false
docker_compose_file string The Docker Compose file used for building the testing environment docker-compose.yml false
node_version string The node version to use '22.x' false
test_command string Command used to run E2E tests, which can be customized as needed docker compose -f docker-compose.e2e.yml up --exit-code-from e2e-tests --abort-on-container-exit --quiet-pull false

Workflow Description

This GitHub Actions workflow is tailored for running end-to-end tests within a Dockerized environment, with customizable build and test steps. The workflow includes conditional handling for the veritable-ui repository, where additional environment variables are provided.

  1. Set Environment Variables: Parses and applies environment variables from a JSON string to the workflow environment.
  2. Docker Buildx Setup: Configures Docker Buildx for advanced Docker build support.
  3. Build E2E Containers: Uses Docker Bake to build containers based on the provided Docker Compose file.
  4. Build Step (Optional): Runs the specified npm_build_command if provided.
  5. Pre-Test Command (Optional): Executes pre_test_command before running tests if specified.
  6. Run E2E Tests:
    • For general repositories, runs the E2E test using test_command.
    • For the veritable-ui repository, additional environment variables, such as VERITABLE_COMPANY_PROFILE_API_KEY and VERITABLE_E2E_OUT_DIR, are set.
  7. Upload Playwright Report: Saves the Playwright report as an artifact, accessible for 90 days.
  8. Publish CTRF Test Summary: Publishes a summary of the test results in CTRF format for comprehensive reporting.

This workflow is designed to accommodate different testing needs, offering flexibility with custom commands and environment-specific configurations for robust E2E testing.

Runs specified NPM tests (e.g., unit and integration tests) with optional build and pre-test commands, as well as Docker-based dependency setup.


Input Type Description Default Required
env_vars string JSON string of environment variables in key:value format, parsed and added to $GITHUB_ENV at the start of the run {} false
npm_build_command string Optional command to build the application before running tests '' false
pre_test_command string Optional command to execute before the main test command '' false
docker_compose_file string The Docker Compose file to use for setting up dependencies docker-compose.yml false
npm_version string The node version to use '22.x' false
tests string JSON array of test commands defined in NPM scripts (e.g., ["test:unit", "test:integration"]) ["test:unit", "test:integration"] false

Workflow Description

This GitHub Actions workflow runs a series of NPM test commands, with each test command running as a separate job in parallel using a matrix strategy.

  1. Set Environment Variables: Parses env_vars from JSON and sets them in the workflow environment.
  2. Node Setup: Installs the specified Node.js version.
  3. Node Modules Caching: Caches node_modules based on package-lock.json for faster dependency installation.
  4. Install Packages: Installs project dependencies using npm ci.
  5. Build Step (Optional): Executes npm_build_command if it is provided.
  6. Environment File Creation: Creates a .env file for environment configuration.
  7. Setup Docker Dependencies: Brings up services defined in the specified Docker Compose file to support test dependencies.
  8. Wait for Initialization: Adds a delay to ensure all Docker services are ready.
  9. Pre-Test Command (Optional): Runs pre_test_command if provided.
  10. Run Tests: Executes each command from the tests matrix (e.g., test:unit, test:integration) as defined in the NPM scripts.

This workflow provides a flexible testing setup that allows for custom build commands, pre-test commands, and Docker-based dependencies, making it adaptable for various test scenarios.


Shared github workflows



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