- add instructions for opening portal and links to interface and connect #8 (Luandro)
- add release of docker images (Luandro)
- add test nuxt build for every PR (Luandro)
- add docker hub release for pre-release and release tags (Luandro)
- release and pre-release full images with all apps ready for offline use (Luandro)
- add release of docker images (Luandro)
Bug Fixes
- correct key for installers loop (Luandro)
- small fixes, and set router base to / for releases (Luandro)
- remove configure-pages from workflow (Luandro)
- add if expression for github-pages on workflow (Luandro)
- syntax on github worflow (Luandro)
- fixes to content links and buttons for main apps (Luandro)
- add vue-template-compiler to solve conflict and update minor deps (Luandro)
- change secrets to inputs within release-docker action.yml (Luandro)
- up Dockerfile node image to 16.14.0 to satisfy deps (Luandro)
- test next builds on every push or pull request (Luandro)
- use nuxt generate on Dockerfile (Luandro)
- correct release workflow name (Luandro)
- use correct short-description variable all across (Luandro)
- correct use of expression on Github action (Luandro)
- small fixes, and set router base to / for releases (Luandro)
- correct check not short-description not present (Luandro)
- do not alter docker hub description on pre-release (Luandro)
- change filename for gz release (Luandro)
- correct content links to services (Luandro)
- add EDT_HOST env for calling EDT Offline API while developing locally #8 (Luandro)
- update dependencies #8 (Luandro)
- remove connect page #8 (Luandro)
- add versioning to package.json and up beta #8 (Luandro)
- rename workflows (Luandro)
- test docker image before pushing to docker hub (Luandro)
- add build badges and instructions for docker on README (Luandro)
- add instructions for full image on README (Luandro)
- remove old github actions (Luandro)