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Scythe View

pronounced [sahyth] - Olde English word for a curved blade for cutting by hand

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A simple implementation of Laravel Blade for rendering blade syntax in views into a PSR-7 Response object. This has no dependencies and it works great with Slim Framework 3.

If you're unfamiliar with Blade as a view renderer it's main advantage is it's lightness, it is essentially a simple wrapper around PHP. The syntax behaves as a PHP programmer would expect it to, so for those familar with PHP there is very little mental juggling required to understand Blade.

This implementation does not aim for feature parity, that is beyond the scope of this project. It does offer some useful methods and the ability to add custom directives through callbacks. If you need full compatibility you can use the full Laravel Blade package via philo/laravel-blade.

Note: Currently unsupported features @verbatim @component @hasSection @auth* @guest*

*These could be added using a directive callback to suit your framework

Table of Contents


Install with Composer:

composer require dijitaltrix/scythe-view

Getting started

Use with Slim 3

Add Scythe to your container, passing the required parameters views_path and cache_path

$container['view'] = function($c) {
    return new \Dijitaltrix\Views\Scythe([
        'views_path' => 'path/to/views',
        'cache_path' => 'path/to/cache',

And assuming you set views_path as app/src/views you may use it as follows:

// app/routes.php
$app->get('/hello/{name}', function ($request, $response, $args) {
    return $this->view->render($response, "hello", $args);

// app/src/views/hello.blade.php
<h1>Hello {{ $name }}</h1>

You may add namespaces and directives using the methods outlined in the Methods section below.

Use with any PSR-7 Project

$view = new \Dijitaltrix\Views\Scythe([
    'views_path' => 'path/to/views',
    'cache_path' => 'path/to/cache',

$response = $view->render(new Response(), "/path/to/template", $data);

Language Reference


{{-- Upon rendering all this will be removed --}}

Opening and closing php tags can be used follows @php @endphp


All variable display functions will escape your output using htmlentities() except for echo raw: {!! $danger !!}


Displays the contents of $name

{{ $name }}
// <?php echo htmlentities($name); ?>

echo raw

Use this with caution when displaying user generated data

{!! $name !!}
// <?php echo $name; ?>

echo with a default

Displays 'Anonymous' if $name is not set

{{ $name or 'Anonymous' }}
// <?php (isset($name)) ? htmlentities($name) : 'Anonymous'; ?>


Sets the value of a variable

@set($muppet, 'Kermit')
// <?php $muppet = 'Kermit'; ?>


Removes a variable from the scope

// <?php unset($muppet); ?>


Checks whether a variable is set

<p>He is here</p>


Checks whether a variable is set and has a value

<p>Muppet name is set and is not empty</p>

Variable manipulation

Twig has some really nice string modifiers, we have these ;) All examples below are wrapped with htmlentities()


Converts the string to uppercase

<!-- KERMIT -->


Converts the string to lowercase

<!-- kermit -->


Converts the string to lowercase, then capitalises the first word

<!-- Kermit -->


Converts the string to lowercase, then capitalises each word

<!-- Kermit The Frog -->


This is just a wrapper around the sprintf function, to help your muscle memory you may also call it as @sprintf

@format("There were %s in the %s", "dogs", "yard")
<!-- There were dogs in the yard -->


@wrap("This is a really long line that should wrap somewhere otherwise it may shatter the internet into pieces!")
This is a really long line that should wrap somewhere otherwise it may
shatter the internet into pieces!

<!-- With an optional limit -->
@wrap("This is a really long line that should wrap somewhere otherwise it may shatter the internet into pieces!", 25)

This is a really long
line that should wrap 
somewhere otherwise
it may shatter the
internet into pieces!

Control structures


Scythe supports all possible combinations of if structures

@if (true)
<p>This will always show</p>
@if (true)
<p>This will always show</p>
<p>This will never show</p>
@if ($i == 1)
<p>i is equal to one</p>
@elseif ($i == 2)
<p>i is equal to two</p>
<p>i is something else entirely</p>


If NOT something, then what?

@unless($bank > 1000000)
<p>Keep on working</p>


        <p>i is equal to one</p>
        <p>i is equal to two</p>
        <p>i is something else entirely</p>



@for ($i = 0; $i < 11; $i++)
    Currently reading {{ $i }}


@foreach ($muppets as $muppet)
    <p>Say howdy to {{ $muppet->name }}</p>


@forelse ($muppets as $muppet)
    <p>Say howdy to {{ $muppet->name }}</p>
    <p>Sadly no muppets can be with us today</p>


@while (true)
    <p>One Infinite Loop</p>


A more compact version of the foreach loop that adds the @include command

@each('muppets/profile', $muppets, 'muppet')

// @foreach ($muppets as $muppet)
//   @include('muppets/profile')
// @endforeach

It also supports the generation of the forelse structure if you pass a view to display when there are no records

@each('muppets/profile', $muppets, 'muppet', 'muppets/profile-missing')

// @forelse ($muppets as $muppet)
//   @include('muppets/profile')
// @empty
//   @include('muppets/profile-missing')
// @endforelse

Loop variable

A loop helper is available, this works identically to the Blade $loop helper

Property Description
$loop->index The index of the current loop iteration (starts at 0).
$loop->iteration The current loop iteration (starts at 1).
$loop->remaining The iteration remaining in the loop.
$loop->count The total number of items in the array being iterated.
$loop->first Whether this is the first iteration through the loop.
$loop->last Whether this is the last iteration through the loop.
$loop->depth The nesting level of the current loop.
$loop->parent* When in a nested loop, the parent's loop variable.

*Not implemented yet



Calls a parent template to insert sections into



Sections define areas of content to be inserted into a parent template

@section('title', 'Muppets cast listing')

<h1>Muppets cast listing</h1>


Sections can be merged between templates using the @parent directive.

<!-- parent.blade.php -->
    <h3>This is the sidebar content</h3>

<!-- child.blade.php -->
        <li>This is a list item</li>
        <li>And so is this</li>
        <li>Another item in the list</li>

Will display as

<h3>This is the sidebar content</h3>
    <li>This is a list item</li>
    <li>And so is this</li>
    <li>Another item in the list</li>

replace or yield

Replaced with the contents of the child template section definition

<!-- OR -->
<!-- <title>Muppets cast listing</title> -->


Include another blade template, all variables will be available to the included template

@foreach ($muppets as $muppet)


Define your own placeholders that insert content via callbacks

// output a string
$view->addDirective('/@hello/i', 'Hello world');

// output the result of a callback
$view->addDirective('/@hello/i', function(){
    return 'Hello world';
//TODO pass parameters from directive to callback


Push to stacks from your child templates, then they will be appended to the @stack directive in your parent template

// child.blade.php

@section('title', 'The title')

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/child.css" type="text/css" media="screen">

<script src="child.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
    alert('Some alert');

// parent.blade.php


In addition to the Blade syntax, the renderer instance offers the following methods

addDirective($placeholder, $callback)

$view->addDirective('@rand', function() {
    if (rand(1,10) > 5) {
        throw new Exception("This is pointless");

addNamespace($name, $path)

Namespaces allow you to add view paths outside the default views_path. Use them for external packages or to help organise your code into modules.

// add the namespace name first, followed by the path to the root of the namespace
$view->addNamespace("admin", "/src/Admin/views");

// namespaces are referenced with '::'
// for example

// this will load the file at src/Admin/views/user/profile.blade.php
$view->render($response, 'admin::user/profile', $args);


The exists() function will return true if the template file is in the view path, or false if not.


// Namespaces are specified as follows

renderString($string, $data=[])

The renderString() function will parse a string converting any blade commands .

$blade = "<h1>{{ $title }}</h1>";

$view->renderString($blade, ['title'=>'The Muppet Show']);

// <h1>The Muppet Show</h1>

To do or not to do

Components and slots

No plans to introduce this, use @include as an alternative.


No plans to implement this I feel it's not good practice to allow the view to pull in whatever data classes etc.. it likes. Data and dependencies should be generated in the 'Domain' and injected into the view Response so the view should already have everything it needs.

As the template renders down to plain php you are of course able to execute in any code you like between PHP tags.

Custom if statements

It is possible to add similar functionality through custom Directives


Renders blade syntax views into a PSR-7 response







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