Generate an open source license for your projects.
gem install license-generator
licgen <license> [<author1>, [<author2> ...]]
Too see the available license templates:
licgen list
They are provided in the gem as templates.
There are a lot. See
Simply fork, add an ERB template to the templates
directory, and send me a
pull request.
Since it's ERB you can use ruby to include things like the current date. You can also prompt the user for input like this:
<%= option(:name) %>
Since author name will be needed for almost all templates, a special template variable is provided:
<%= authors %>
If authors are not specified on the command line, it will prompt the user.
- Bill Evans (@thirteenpixels) for help naming the binary and pushing to make it not hard to add templates.
- Dayton Nolan (@daytonn) for fixes and new templates.
- Leszek Rybicki (@leszekr) for new templates.
- James Pearson (@xiongchiamiov) for authors feature and new templates.