This project allows to deal with a list of Departments and Employees inside this Departments via web-browser.
- Clone the project from repository.
- Go to the root directory of the project ("/department-app/").
- Make sure you have Maven installed. In command line write and run:
mvn clean install
- If build was successful, you will get two war-files:
- /department-app/rest/target/department-rest.war
- /department-app/web-app/target/department-web.war
- Copy this two war-files to your Tomcat "webapps" directory. Start Tomcat if it's not yet.
- We presume you deployed the project at localhost. To test the REST API of the application, write in your browser:
- http://localhost:8080/department-rest/departments/all
- http://localhost:8080/department-rest/employees/all
-- If everything is OK, you will get some JSON entities in both cases.
- To start web-application, write in your browser:
- That's it!
Log file can be found in Tomcat "log" directory under the name:
- department_rest_log_file.log - for the REST layer