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Hi My name is Lucas Rodrigues Medina Costa

Full Stack Developer

👋 Hey there! I'm a curious and enthusiastic dev who loves exploring new technologies and solving code puzzles. Always with a cup of coffee by my side, I dive headfirst into challenging projects and am constantly learning something new. I'm passionate about crafting creative and elegant solutions to real-world problems, and my code is like a puzzle I love to piece together. If you find me, chances are I'm tinkering with some GitHub repository or discussing the latest developments in programming languages! ☕

  • 🌍  I'm based in Cotia, São Paulo
  • 🖥️  See my portfolio at
  • ✉️  You can contact me at [email protected]
  • 🤝  I'm open to collaborating on open-source projects and engaging with development communities. From bug fixes to implementing new features, I enjoy working collaboratively to create quality software. My GitHub portfolio reflects my commitment to collaboration and my passion for contributing to the advancement of technology.
  • ⚡  I'm secretely Spiderman... But don't tell anyone


HTML5 CSS3 JavaScriptTypeScript React TailwindCSS Vite NodeJS


Git Insomnia Jira


Oracle PostgreSQL SQL Server Prisma Neo4J


Amazon Web Services Azure



My GitHub Stats

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  1. portifolio portifolio Public

    Meu portifólio

    JavaScript 1

  2. tech-challenge-fiap tech-challenge-fiap Public

    Repositório para o Tech Challenge da Faculdade FIAP

    TypeScript 3 1

  3. fullstackweek-barber fullstackweek-barber Public


  4. desafios-ignite-clean-code desafios-ignite-clean-code Public


  5. diciotech diciotech Public

    Forked from levxyca/diciotech

    Um dicionário tech para pessoas que querem aprender mais sobre termos técnicos dentro da tecnologia 📖


  6. eventos-tech-brasil eventos-tech-brasil Public

    Forked from Abacatinhos/agenda-tech-brasil

    Lista de eventos tech que acontecem no Brasil